REASONS TO CELEBRATE — Peter Branfoot looks lovingly upon Gwen Rudderow as they both celebrate their July 4 birthdays in 2023.

Husband and wife, Peter Branfoot and Gwen Rudderow of DeLand have much to celebrate this July Fourth. It’s Independence Day, of course. And Peter’s 85th birthday… and Gwen’s 82nd birthday!

Newlyweds Peter and Gwen celebrated their second wedding anniversary this past April, and prior to their marriage, they realized they have a lot in common in addition to their shared birthday.

“During the time Gwen and I were sort of courting, we found there were a lot of things in common. First of all, our birthdays were July the Fourth. The second is, both our fathers served in the military. We were both born in military hospitals,” Peter said. 

“Both our fathers’ names were George no middle name. Then we found out we were both born in Richmond. I was born in Richmond, in Yorkshire [England]. Gwen: Richmond in Virginia,” Peter continued.

“We found out we were in the same business. I was in the construction of new homes sales and marketing. Gwen was a Realtor. Gwen has a granddaughter Rowan, and I have a grandson called Rowan, so that’s another thing we share. We both take the same medication, which is very helpful when I forget things,” Peter described of the expansive list of commonalities he and his bride share. “There were just amazing coincidences … it was like preordained,” Peter said.

Peter and Gwen met during a dinner party that Peter hosted in the spring of 2021, and upon that first meeting, they learned of their shared birthday. A few months passed, and then Peter received a welcome surprise.

“The dinner party ended, but in July I had a birthday card from Gwen. And I thought, ‘Well, that’s rather nice,’ so I phoned her, and I said, ‘Why don’t we just celebrate both our birthdays?’ So I asked her out for dinner, she accepted, and we had a nice evening. Gwen reciprocated the following week by taking me out for lunch,” Peter said of a friendship forming.

Peter and Gwen share a love of cooking, wine, gardening, travel and engaging in social activities with their friends and family — near and far. 

“My kids and grands were delighted [about our marriage] … one of my daughters phoned me [after] the first time she met Gwen … We had a honeymoon [in England], and visited my kids. I have six children, 13 grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren, so we have a really big family. My daughter said, ‘Dad — you’re my dad, and I love you. But I really love Gwen.’ I thought, ‘That’s it. We’re OK,’” Peter said.

Gwen, too, has a large, extended family that includes two children, three stepchildren, four stepgrandchildren — in addition to granddaughter Rowan.

“I guess we have a lot of family!” Gwen said with a chuckle.

Peter and Gwen are very active and are always on the go. “We both like to travel. We’ve been across the Atlantic twice … we spend about a third of the year out of the States, just traveling,” Peter said.

“The thing about being married at our age — it’s a lot of fun. On our anniversary last year, Gwen and I went on a cruise from Venice to Barcelona. In the middle of the cruise, we were having dinner … [with] about eight people around the table, and people were asking, ‘How long have you been married?’ Some of them said, ‘36 years,’ some ‘40 years.’ There was another one at 50, and it came to me … ‘How long have you and Gwen been married?’ and I said, ‘52…’ And they all went, ‘Isn’t that wonderful?’ and I said, ‘Weeks!’ And they said, ‘What the heck? At your age? A year?’” Peter said in good humor.

This year, Gwen has organized a large party to celebrate Peter’s 85th birthday, and they will be enjoying a festive week filled with socializing with friends, good wine and lots of love.

“July the Fourth — being English, I usually keep a low profile over here, you know what I mean? So, becoming a citizen and then marrying Gwen, I could come out into the open again,” Peter said. 

Happy birthdays to Gwen and Peter, and Happy Independence Day from The Beacon!



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