Spotlighting West Volusia Artists’ exhibit

Spotlighting West Volusia Artists’ exhibit

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West Volusia Artists Inc. is spotlighting the work of artist Peggy Toussant for the month of January. Her painting Magnolias will be on display at the Wayne G. Sanborn Activity Center in DeLand.

Magnolias began as a challenge to herself as she had just begun to study watercolors on canvas.

A self-proclaimed Air Force brat, Toussant was born in Chicago, then moved to Germany, and made several stops in the States before settling in Florida.

She loved art as a child. As an adult, she dabbled with oils, then took a watercolor workshop. Jennie Szaltis was her teacher and mentor. The Jacksonville Watercolor Society provided opportunities to compete and exhibit her work. Toussant has placed first and second, as well as “Best in Show,” in juried shows with the Watercolor Society.

When Toussant decided to pursue art, she began studying the colors in nature. To develop as an artist, she said, “Learn what gives you the most joy for inspiration,” then take classes and practice weekly.

In her spare time, she enjoys playing the flute, baking, sudoku puzzles, and spending time with her family.

Toussant joined the West Volusia Artists after seeing an article in the newspaper. She found the group to be friendly and welcoming.

The West Volusia Artists meet to draw, paint, create and socialize 9 a.m.-noon on the first and third Friday each month, September-May. Jan. 8 is the first meeting of the new year at the Sanborn Activity Center, at 815 S. Alabama Ave. in DeLand.

The group is also exhibiting their work at DeLand City Hall through March 31. For more information, call 386-738-5515, or visit and search the “Ongoing Activities” tab.


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