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The Rev. Elizabeth Carrasquillo invites anyone who does not have a church home to come and celebrate at 10:45 a.m. Sunday, July 4, with First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of DeLand. Red, white and blue is the encouraged dress code of the day, to honor our nation’s Independence Day.
Patriotic music and a hymn singalong are replacing the sermon for this Sunday. Church musician Christina Coulter and Pastor Carrasquillo will lead the inspiring songs.
After the singalong and closing prayer, everyone departs to the shady and cool section of the back parking lot. Here the food ministry is serving up hot dogs and hamburgers from a grill to go with various salads and goodies. To end it all, sparklers will be distributed and lit to commemorate our nation’s independence.
Please let the church know you are coming by calling 386-734-0677 before Saturday, July 3.
If you can’t take part in person, view it all on Facebook – First Christian Church – DeLand Disciples. The festivities can also be viewed later by clicking on the “video” tab or looking on the news feed.
To stay up to date on other news and events with inspirational posts, follow First Christian on Instagram at fccofdeland.
Mosaic UU to celebrate Fourth of July
Mosaic Unitarian Universalist Congregation, while not meeting face-to-face, is meeting online at 11 a.m. every Sunday. This Sunday, the Summer Sharing Series of roundtable-style services will continue, but the congregation will depart from discussing Unitarian Universalists’ Six Sources to celebrate the Fourth of July.
Participants will be considering the definition of patriotism and of a patriot and what qualities they think we should most celebrate on July Fourth. They’ll also consider some lighter questions about July Fourth celebrations, such as what are some of your family’s favorite ways to celebrate? What’s your favorite holiday food? What’s one of your favorite patriotic songs, and why?
These services are designed to allow participants to share their thoughts if they choose to do so. Sharing is always voluntary; active listening is welcome, too.
Facilitator Jane Bradford will guide everyone through the service. All are welcome! For instructions on how to join the virtual service, email to mosaicuuc@ gmail.com.
Let freedom ring!
July Fourth has become a day when families gather, either around a pool, at the beach, or at a nearby park to celebrate, share a meal together and enjoy the spectacle of fireworks lighting up the night sky. The Fourth of July marks the birth of our nation, as we celebrate the freedom and liberties that were established 245 years ago.
Along this pathway of American history, many freedoms have come along and many reasons to celebrate have been found.
Here at First United Methodist Church of DeLand, there is an extra-special reason to celebrate this July Fourth, as the church will be celebrating the liberation from a mortgage debt that has recently been retired. This Sunday will be marked with a special celebratory burning of the mortgage, as First Church is free, not only to worship God because of the guaranteed freedom of worship, but First Church is now also free to celebrate no more mortgage payments.
In honor of this momentous occasion, the sermon this week will be “Breaking Free, Free to Love.” Scripture tells us in Romans to “Owe no man anything, but to love one another.”
As you plan your Fourth of July activities, you’re encouraged to join First Church for one of this Sunday’s services, as attendees celebrate fellowship together and learn more about how to love each other.
First United Methodist provides in-person traditional worship at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. in the sanctuary and a contemporary service at 9:30 a.m. in the Family Life Center. All three services are streamed live on Facebook on the First Church DeLand page, or they can be accessed through the website at Firstchurchdeland.org.
Call 386-734-5113 for more information.
Vacation Bible School at Faith Lutheran Church
Faith Lutheran Church in DeLand announces that its annual Vacation Bible School is scheduled to begin 5:30-8 p.m. Monday, July 12, and conclude Friday, July 16. Dinner will be provided 5:30-6 p.m. Parents are invited.
It will be a week of fun, games and learning about God through some common questions about the Bible. The theme is “I wonder? Big questions About God, the Bible and Me!”
To register, call the church at 386-734-2791, or email to mission@faithlutherandeland.org. Leave a message with your name, phone or email, and subject, and you will be contacted as soon as possible.
The Vacation Bible School attendees will make a presentation at the 9:30 a.m. Sunday, July 18, church service, telling in their own words what they learned.
DeLand Campus of Tomoka Christian offering food for those in need
Tomoka Christian Church, DeLand Campus, has nonperishable groceries for those in need. The DeLand Campus is partnering with Stetson Baptist Church’s Food Pantry program to reach those in need in the vicinity of 1101 E. Plymouth Ave. in DeLand who may find it difficult to travel Downtown for assistance.
These folks are ready to help you 10 a.m.-noon every Thursday. Please stop by, or call 386-734-9141.
Trinity UMC adds to its ministerial team
Trinity United Methodist Church in DeLand is excited to welcome the Rev. Caitlin Allyn White to the ministerial team as the new associate pastor and minister to families. White is already active in ministry in DeLand as the director and campus pastor of the Stetson University Wesley Foundation, serving college students and young adults, a role she will continue.
A graduate of Millsaps College with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and Boston University with a divinity degree, White specializes in intergenerational faith formation, helping families and communities share stories and engage faith across generations.
She is passionate about interfaith engagement, community organizing and social-justice advocacy, cultivating new Christian communities beyond the walls of the traditional church, and inclusion of those who have been hurt or marginalized by religion.
White’s also an avid trail-runner, long-distance hiker, Lego collector, local foodie and beach bum.
The church is also excited to welcome Carmel Bardin as the new communications/office manager. She has a background in elementary education as well as library science. Bardin will be able to transfer this experience into promoting the various activities of the church, as well as managing the Trinity office team.
In her spare time, she keeps busy trying to keep up with her husband, her three children who attend college, and her pets.
‘Chalk and Cheese’
At First Presbyterian Church of DeLand, Pastor Michael Bodger will sermonize on “Chalk and Cheese,” at the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services Sunday, July 4. The pastor draws this unique title from a reading of Mark 6:1-13, in which Jesus stands within his hometown full of people who know him well. Or do they?
These “home folks” cannot deny all that Jesus has done: his teaching, his wisdom and his power. Yet the folks cannot move past the fact that they know Jesus. They accept the human but reject the divine!
In contrast, the 12 disciples, who have also seen all that Jesus has done, now accept his mission unhindered by the human instructions to go out and proclaim His truth, repentance and healing. They accept the divine alongside the human!
First Pres announces the extension of Katie Rives’ internship and coursework throughout this summer. As a seminary student of the University of Dubuque, Rives clearly enriches First Pres through many activities, including observations, meetings, study groups and preaching sermons. The church benefits greatly from her contributions.
God’s Bathhouse meets 9-11:30 a.m. on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month.
Children’s Church for ages 4-10 gathers at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sundays in the art room. Information about Bible studies, food events, and help for local needy people appears on Facebook and the church website.