A better way to help businesses


An open letter to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis:

Having just survived the delta variant of COVID-19 — luckily already being fully vaccinated — I want to share with you my thoughts.

I understand your chief interest is “keeping Florida open for business,” which is fine. But you have shown poor leadership toward that goal.

First, the best way would have been to encourage everyone to get vaccinated because you did, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends it for health and safety.

Secondly, you should have mandated masks in public or, at the least, let counties and cities mandate them!

That way, businesses would be able to stay open safely for their workers and customers, and the masks can prevent spread of the disease to others. That will achieve herd immunity.

Instead, your unmasked, unvaccinated lemmings have no immunity.

Suze Peace


— Note: DeSantis received the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine, administered in private.


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