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Sunday, September 8, 2024
Home News City of DeLand adopts budget, property taxes to see increase

City of DeLand adopts budget, property taxes to see increase

City of DeLand adopts budget, property taxes to see increase
BEACON FILE PHOTO <br> DeLand City Hall, 120 S. Florida Ave.

With little pomp and circumstance, the DeLand City Commission adopted the proposed millage rate of 6.7841 and the city’s new budget for the 2021-22 fiscal year.

The city’s approved millage rate is 4.05 percent over the rolled-back rate of 6.52. 0.4 mill of the new millage is dedicated to increasing salaries for city staff.

DeLand’s newly minted $109,844,535 budget also includes a slate of new capital projects (largely funded by the capital reserves) and additional personnel.

“We added 13.81 new positions, including some firefighters,” City Manager Michael Pleus said. There’s also money for two new police officers and an IT security analyst, among others.

Funding for the new firefighters is the only uncertainty. While the city anticipates receiving grant money from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to fund the new positions, a decision has yet to be made by FEMA on the funds. If grant money doesn’t come through, Pleus said, the city will pull from money intended for the hurricane reserve to cover the salaries. 

There’s also $100,000 budgeted for fixing up city sidewalks and trails.

The City of DeLand’s final budget hearing was a calm affair. Discussion lasted just more than 10 minutes total, and there was not a single comment from any member of the public.

The City Commission approved the budget unanimously at its Sept. 20 meeting.


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