Editor, The Beacon:
The owner of a small diner in DeBary recently posted a sign on the front door of the diner asking that anyone who supports Joe Biden, our president, not patronize her establishment.
Supposedly, this was in response to the withdrawal of American forces in Afghanistan and the deaths of 13 service members in the process.
As the owner of the diner, that is her prerogative. However, I would like to ask her the following: Does she know that then-President Trump negotiated a withdrawal agreement in February 2020; he excluded the Afghan government from the negotiations; reduced our forces from 13,000 to 2,500 soldiers; set a withdrawal date of May 1, 2021; and freed 5,000 Taliban, many of whom took arms back up against U.S. troops?
Does she know that former President Trump pushed for the release of the Taliban co-founder Mullah Baradar, who may be the next president of Afghanistan?
Does she know that G.W. Bush, in his address to the nation Sept. 20, 2001, set the goal of rooting out and eliminating terrorists and terrorist camps, but never mentioned staying in Afghanistan to set up a democratic government?
Does she know that on March 19, 2003, G.W. Bush diverted thousands upon thousands of troops and billions of dollars to a war with Iraq based on a lie, and extending the war in Afghanistan?
Does she know that more than 58,000 troops were killed in Vietnam, more than 4,000 in Iraq and almost 2,500 in Afghanistan, not to mention the thousands upon thousands of troops who made it back, but with life-altering physical and emotional injuries?
Does she know that the chaotic withdrawal from Saigon evacuated 7,000 people who, at times, were under fire from the North Vietnamese, while more than 122,000 people were evacuated by Aug. 31, 2021?
Where was her rage at the presidents, congressmen and the people who voted for them who started and continued our recent wars that have cost almost 65,000 soldiers’ lives?
I could also ask where is her rage against the prior administration who has cost 10 times that number of lives with their incompetent response to the COVID pandemic.
Why didn’t she tell anyone who voted for those administrations that they were not welcome in her restaurant? How is she going to identify those who do not agree with her? Will she be checking voter-registration cards at her door? Would these be called “voter passports,” and would they be banned by our governor as he has banned “vaccine passports”?
When would she have us pull out of a war that we cannot win, already our longest war? Would it be after 13 more American soldiers die, 50, 100, 1,000? How many more soldiers would she have die?
Finally, while many in DeBary have supported her, I question the sense of any business owner who would turn away any customer based on their political beliefs. That is not what our forefathers and those after them have fought for over the course of our history. Opposing viewpoints, fine. Rational debate, fine, compromise, fine! Outright hate and exclusion of others and their beliefs? Hell no!
Don Neyer
Hey Don, just don’t go there. That’s how you vote. Appreciate your perspective. I won’t be voting for you. The death of 13 (actually 14) soldiers and fellow countrymen isn’t political. It’s personal.
So is respecting Gold Star families. If you are going to take a stand for something don’t be incompetent and do so in an inadequate fashion. Go ahead stand up and confess how he abused and maligned a gold star family gold go head be proud of that….Gold Star is very very personal to me. Shame on you.
Stupid article. I can’t believe this was actually printed.
It is time people start expressing their feelings with this useless administration we have in office right now. You don’t like her opinions, don’t go there. The babbling idiot and the rest of the damnacrats need to be removed from office.
The truth always hurts.
This is a slander piece. The business owner has every right. Glad she did it. Biden administration is the worst administration our country has ever seen. I can’t wait until they are removed.
The worst??? How, how in the hell could any administration be worse than the corrupt, lying, narcissistic, demented and self-serving Trump. The deluded mind has no reason nor memory
of anything that does not comport to their delusions. You cannot fight facts. The only thing worst than believing lies is not believing in truth.
All of your adjectives pertain to Biden: corrupt, lying, narcissistic, demented and self-serving. An old guy who can’t stay awake, can’t read, doesn’t campaign and totally lies about his past involvements cannot hold a candle to a smart business man like Trump. He may not be your personal favorite but I’m much more interested in what our government does and Biden is proving to be a total loser. More specifically, allowing, even encouraging Illegal Invaders to enter our nation at this rate is proof that President Biden is not protecting our nation or its citizens. That goes far beyond any accusations you or I could make using adjectives.
Perfect response.
I’d more support local businesses that’d put a sign up that said
Americans who can respect different opinions, who condemn hate and perpetuation of that hate, are most welcome here
Welcome Americans who remember the privilege of living here, the work its taken and the blood that’s been spilled to keep America the beacon of hope the world has viewed her as for so long. The America our sons and daughters, parents, grandparents, great grandparents fought for
Welcome those who believe the freedom to pursue individual beliefs is a birthright.
Welcome to the many who’ve given when they’ve have not, to help their neighbors
To those who know there is no one belief that can define the spirit and guts of We The People.
To those who choose kindness, compassion, volunteering…all those good sides of Americas core – Welcome
To those who see these days yet continue to hope and pray America survives this darkness – for thought its fracturing, America is what her people are and do. Period.
We can give up hope for our peace while we hope as we have for decades, peace in war torn lands. We are a peaceful people and it seems if there is more hate, lies, deceit continuing in all parties/the end could come to what was America.
If she falls to the darkness that grows by the few not many then I suggest the new name of the country we live in should be
I must continue with others to believe there are more kind and good peaceful people than the few politicians steering a crowd to rebellion.
How do they not see how other strong countries fell after civil unrest? Seriously how? For its not a game and it is the childrens future
So if you say A is for America – then come in and take a seat
But if you’ve gone along with Apathy maybe pick another diner…. No wait-wait. That’s wrong! true Americans are kind so come in and respectful. Welcome
When my grandkids ask which “A” I stood for, you better believe with clear conscious I can say America. And I as many others my precious ones, we tried to save her for you.
Some will laugh at me and others will agree. I’m too old to care about the laughter
Yeah. OK demo bit, you can take the sand out of your eyes now. With your joke Biden, USA has never been in worse shape.
Gene, you and people who are of like mind are the problem with the United States. President Donald J. Trump was the greatest President in the history of the United States – that is an undeniable fact!
I never believed in the COVID-19 vaccines and thank God I didn’t because they are useless – that is also an undeniable fact! I never believe anything the government says because everything the government says is a lie – that is an undeniable fact!
Another undeniable fact is that you and every Democrat is a cancer on society. Cancer must be eradicated!
She def had a right. She has freedom. I respect that and wish nothing but good days however,
I’d more support local businesses that’d put a sign up that said
Americans who can respect different opinions, who condemn hate and perpetuation of that hate, are most welcome here
Welcome Americans who remember the privilege of living here, the work its taken and the blood that’s been spilled to keep America the beacon of hope the world has viewed her as for so long. The America our sons and daughters, parents, grandparents, great grandparents fought for
Welcome those who believe the freedom to pursue individual beliefs is a birthright.
Welcome to the many who’ve given when they’ve have not, to help their neighbors
To those who know there is no one belief that can define the spirit and guts of We The People.
To those who choose kindness, compassion, volunteering…all those good sides of Americas core – Welcome
To those who see these days yet continue to hope and pray America survives this darkness – for thought its fracturing, America is what her people are and do. Period.
We can give up hope for our peace while we hope as we have for decades, peace in war torn lands. We are a peaceful people and it seems if there is more hate, lies, deceit continuing in all parties/the end could come to what was America.
If she falls to the darkness that grows by the few not many then I suggest the new name of the country we live in should be
I must continue with others to believe there are more kind and good peaceful people than the few politicians steering a crowd to rebellion.
How do they not see how other strong countries fell after civil unrest? Seriously how? For its not a game and it is the childrens future
So if you say A is for America – then come in and take a seat
But if you’ve gone along with Apathy maybe pick another diner…. No wait-wait. That’s wrong! true Americans are kind and respectful so come in and Welcome
When my grandkids ask which “A” I stood for, you better believe- with clear conscious – I can say America. And I with many others my precious ones, tried to save her for you.
Some will laugh at me and others will agree. I’m too old to care about the laughter
I’m glad she did it and I wish others would follow
I’m glad she did it I wish other was follow
Love this! Her husband works for 105.9 and I listen to him every morning!!! He and his cohorts always have validity! Check them out!!! I’m not a hater!
Wow, go take your worm medicine now, since your memory has failed all of you. Your denials of actual facts does hurt your bunghole…Wake up and quit believe lies. Because if you cannot fundamentally understand what was said here, you’re ignorant.
Hang all the signs you want on your door. Donald Trump lost. GET OVER IT!
I’ve been to this place. I felt like Ripley walking into the Queen’s hive at the end of ‘Aliens’.
The owner was wearing a hat that said, “I Could Sh*t a Better President,” to which the entire restaurant erupted in laughter when the trivia host pointed it out. The cultists who stand out on the corner of Enterprise & Saxon came in that night, complete with them wearing flags as childish capes — just like the domestic terrorists did on 1/6 when Blue Lives like Brian Sicknick’s all of a sudden didn’t matter anymore.
Biden has absolutely nothing to do it with this sign. It could be Dubya, JFK, Eisenhower, or Thomas Jefferson running the country. The only thing that matters to these people is that it isn’t Trump in charge. Full stop. They have elevated a malignant narcissist grifter Manhattanite who lives in a golden apartment at the crest of a skyscraper and never met a contractor he didn’t want to screw over to God-King status; a paragon of religious virtue and the Savior of the Working Man.
The damage he’s done to our country is absolutely irreparable. We are never, ever coming back from it. Trust in our elections is gone, and any criticism no matter how valid is hand-waved away as “Fake News.” His sycophantic disciples want nothing more than power, and his hyperbolic rhetoric is designed to do nothing more than to stoke fear and hate — and it’s working.
This man is the modern day political equivalent of Jim Jones. If he went on Hannity tomorrow night and suggested that cyanide-laced Kool Aid cured or prevented coronavirus, there would be thousands of corpses to clean up the next morning. There’s a reason Fox News didn’t broadcast his rally on Monday — he’s still spreading lies about the election, while the network is staring down the barrel of a billion dollar lawsuit from Dominion.
Angie Ugarto doesn’t care about the lives of those 13 soldiers. At all. They’re nothing but a means to weaponize a tragedy, appease and pay tribute to Dear Leader.
🕊 words well written
Forget all the political b.s. here. Who is/was serving in office has nothing to do with the issue at hand. I served my country fighting to preserve our freedom and right to believe what we want. I don’t have to agree with her views to applaud her for exercising her right to express them in the business she owns. If the sign offends you, don’t go in…or, go in and spark a logical debate if you wish. But do not publicly criticize and hate someone just for not having the same opinion as you.
Seriously, your last line of print. Did the owner not do just exactly that with her sign and you’re telling folks who speak back not to because she’s free to express her hate for customers who support Biden but those who disagree should just shut up? Seriously, it’s okay for her but not for us. At one point I had wanted to try this diner, since the owner made her ignorance clear I will never step a foot in her business.
Well you can put up any sign you want at your business. No ones stopping you from doing exactly what she did at your own business.
only was a last ditch effort from a failing business, but their horrible business owners, how did they handle the extra business? by closing 4 days after they posted the sign for a week because the ran out of food, they’re literally next to a grocery store and their supply company could have delivered next day or they could pick up same day. idiot owners.
Put Biden and Trump aside for a moment. Which president is responsible for us being over there anyway? How many people have died under the Bush administration? We never should have been there in the first place,we do not belong in another country’s civil war. Look at Korea and Vietnam. We have lost too many people in a country who’s only asset is oil. One last thought , get rid of both political parties and come up with a single party, the American party. Stop all this stupid democrat / republican bickering and become a unified country. You will never please everybody but at least give it a try.
To the ignorant ones that believe everything that demoncrats do is great and anything that Conservatives or Trump does/did is wrong. Trump was the only president outside of Reagan that worked for America and the American people. No evidence was ever found of him doing anything dishonest or illegal, which is something that can not be said for the Moron in the White House and his lying, thieving, druggie son. Trump lowered the taxes, strengthened our military and power around the globe. Never took a dime of pay or payoff like Sleepy Joe did. He got 7 nations to declare peace with Israel and recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. He made us oil independent, which your Moron in the white house has reversed, and now doubled the price of gas, has over a 10% inflation and food prices are going through the roof. Millions of illegals with all kinds of disease and criminal records are now flooding the country and getting the American taxpayers money and of course raising our taxes, medical bills, further lowering our education level. Now they get to vote. You blind ignorant demoncrats are deadlier than any disease ever known. God said Brains and the demoncrats thought he said Trains and none of them got any. Americans and us Veterans deserve much more than the illegals. But then again, most of you lefties have never done anything for America anyway.
Oh Hankie (I am betting red and white gingham right pocket!). Step outside of your trailer and from behind your satellite dish into the sunlight of truth. Ready? It’s okay, you’ve got this, I promise. You offer ZERO evidence to back up your claim Trump did anything to work for anyone apart from himself. Repeat after me, just because I saw it on the square box doesn’t make it true. You and your Trumptologists have to have the chops to back up your fabrications. Follow me for life tips here….there are VOLUMES (it’s okay, bite down) of where your Marie Antoinette (Google it) alleged President put herself first. Let me give you an example that may resonate (Google it) in your park. President Marie slashed programs that helped feed the elderly in your state all the while jetting off on one of her more than 150 luxurious weekends at Mar-A-Go-Go on taxpayer dollars. Because I work and pay far more in taxes than you and Marie combined, I can safely say I would rather have seen my hard earned dollars feed the elderly than pay for the massive amount of fuel it took to fly her big bottom around to hang with hustlers and fallen women. I am not sure if your point about Marie not yet being convicted is your proudest moment —it sounds like you can’t be proud that she is unassailable (Google it) so you are willing to settling for “well she hasn’t been caught yet”. As my mama used to say “Hook (no, not hooker, silly) to a Star!” President (allegedly) Marie did lower taxes —for her friends that have the red and white gingham in their left pocket (you know the crew!). She gutted the military. AND I am so so so so happy you brought up payoffs (bite down Hankie—“Stormy” weather ahead!) Trump is the king (or shall I say Queen) of payoffs and hush money. Did it contribute to his chronic business losses and tax avoidance? Survey says……She did not get any country to declare peace with Israel — neither she nor BJ DeVoss could find Israel on a map with their teeny tiny fingers AND you could put the leaders from all 194 countries in a room and couldn’t find 7 that would follow Trump to the buffet let alone trust her uneducated uninformed why we don’t use lead paint anymore brain on policy. She did not make us oil independent. Let’s be honest, I am sure Putin has had better bottoms than her. By the way (bite down here Hankie) put in the work and take a look at the price of gas and inflation rate during your beloved Reagan administration. It is going to take months to unmuck what Trump has done to trade, our economy, and our security. As a Veteran, I am embarrassed for you and us. I would expect more. Can you get education or training at home?
It’s Nov. I finally made it from Atlanta to eat at the diner – let me tell you Georgia appreciates people who stand for truth. Yum, I’m hungry.
How Hannibal Lector of you. Obviously a product of the BJ DeVoss education platform. If you can’t put in the work to structure a sentence at least buy Grammarly
You may have left out one very important example that the alleged “owner” (so proud of her actions she doesn’t give a name (typical)) of this soup kitchen for the poor victims it serves conveniently overlooks in her haste to bleach the fish is that Donald J. Trump is the ONLY insipid uneducated fool apart from Westboro Baptist Church followers that has ever disrespected and disgraced a Gold Star soldier. So as is typical with this group of self righteous, sanctimonious Trumpovah Witnesses, whatever they can phonetically sound out from the fake news banner is their truth. Sad, the grease and fatty foods from this worst example of a food truck trying to be a restaurant has struck both the heads AND the hearts of the alleged “owner” and those that eat here. As a Goldstar family, I have a message for Debary and it’s victims, if you are going to stand up for something put in the work and don’t champion only the soldiers you and your merry-Andrew leader decide are worthy. It’s offensive to those of us that lost a loved one so that you have the freedoms to make these mistakes. Think about that as those dem dollars pay for your statins.
Don, I think you’re under some illusion that Democrats and the left would welcome Trump supporters with open arms. I am not sure where you were during President Trump’s term in office, but people with access to any news outlet or social media site can tell you a thing or two about being persecuted and ostracized during those years. Expecting them to all of a sudden forget the mistreatment over those 4 years is a bit naive. Welcome to the 21st century and division.
Foolishness! Have you forgotten the hang Obama memes? We was one of our most drama free and honest presidents but that did bot stop the haters. Meanwhile your poor persecuted orangutang called people names, embraced racism, lied every day, charged exorbitant rates to secret service at his resorts while he played gold more than any other President. Stealing does not always involve shoplifting and a gun. That boy is a professional fraudster that gas been proven to steal from charities and his own laborers. He created hate and you expected respect. What an f’ing laugh!
Don Neyer talk about scrapping the bottom of the barrel. Still struggling to keep your job? Seriously give it up! Your just a waste of time.
Don Beyer: Nice try, but your Trump derangement lead you completely off the point. I’m happy that this got under your skin, and I’m so happy their business went through the roof as a result. True patriots support the Debary Diner for speaking up about this horrific tragedy caused by your braindead president.