Volusia County: Libraries to offer anti-racism conversation kits

Volusia County: Libraries to offer anti-racism conversation kits

Families and individuals can check out anti-racism conversation kits at any of the 14 branches of the Volusia County Public Library beginning Friday. The kits were made possible by a grant from Florida Humanities.

The conversation kits are meant to help members in the community start open conversations about race, all in an effort to pull the community together. The kits allow for these conversations to take place in small groups throughout the county, as well as virtually in “Chapter Chat” on Goodreads. The selected titles give participants a compass for asking “How can I become part of the solution?”

Kits are available for the following age groups:

  • “The Conversation: How Seeking and Speaking the Truth About Racism Can Radically Transform Individuals and Organizations” by Robert Livingston (for adults)
  • “Something Happened in Our Town” by Marianne Celano (for pre-K through grade 3)
  • “Stamped (For Kids): Racism, Antiracism, and You” by Jason Reynolds (for grades 1-5)
  • “Harbor Me” by Jacqueline Woodson (for grades 5-9)
  • “Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You” by Jason Reynolds (for grades 9-12)

The kits designed for younger age groups are meant for those families wishing to engage in discussions with each other on topics of racial equity.

The kits will be available to check out from Oct. 1 through Feb. 28.

For more information about the program, stop by any branch of Volusia County Public Library or visit volusialibrary.org.

– Volusia County Community Information Specialist Pat Kuehn

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