The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is continuing to accept applications for Derelict Vessel Removal Grants submitted by local governments in Florida. These grants are only available for local governments and may not be requested by private citizens or nongovernmental organizations.
These funds will be available through January 2022 under the Fiscal Year 21 DV Program budget. FWC will receive, review and award grants on a “first come – first served” basis through January 2022 or until all funding has been depleted. FWC will then begin receiving applications under the FY22 budget funding.
Grants must be awarded and executed before derelict vessel removal projects are started.
Completed applications may be sent to: or, or to the program email at Hard copy applications are not required to be mailed at this time.
DV Program Grant guidelines and application may be found at
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— Compiled by Business Editor Joe Crews