With little fanfare or discussion, the Orange City Council has tentatively adopted a new map setting forth the town’s electoral districts.
The map, adopted unanimously Nov. 15, must now be codified in an ordinance and approved on two readings. The actual ordinance is necessary to provide the legal descriptions of each of the five districts.
Writing the legal descriptions requires the work of surveyors, according to CIty Manager Dale Arrington, who will then turn their findings over to City Attorney William Reischmann to draft the actual law. Orange City’s redistricting ordinance may be ready for its first public hearing and vote by the City Council in December.
If approved, the new districts will be in effect for the 2022 municipal elections.
Orange City has five single-member districts, meaning the voters within each of those zones choose one of their own to represent them on the city’s seven-member council. Voters throughout Orange City may vote for the mayor and an at-large member. Members of the City Council are elected for four-year terms.