How to make piñatas for the holidays


The Rentería family stopped into The Beacon office recently asking for excess newspapers to make some holiday piñatas, and they were kind enough to teach us how as well.

You probably know that piñatas are for parties: Fill them with treats, hang them high, find a device that can be swung at the piñata to break it, and let your guests take turns trying. Just watch that stick or bat, and swing it at the piñata, not people.

Special thanks to the Rentería family members, who were kind enough to bring us — not just a beautiful finished piñata — but a box of cupcakes to thank The Beacon for providing newspaper for their piñata-making. Karina Renteria has a home-based baking business called Karina’s Sweet Temptations.

Photos of the piñata-making process courtesy of the Rentería family.

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