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Sunday, September 8, 2024
Home Advertisement Daniel Reed on Growth Management and ‘Affordable’ Housing

Daniel Reed on Growth Management and ‘Affordable’ Housing

Daniel Reed on Growth Management and ‘Affordable’ Housing

One of the major challenges currently facing DeLand is the rapid pace at which the city is growing. Daniel Reed, who is running to become DeLand’s next Seat 4 city commissioner, hopes to see more responsible and sustainable growth that the city can actually manage and maintain. 

“Growth is inevitable,” said Reed. “We can’t stop it; but we have an obligation to grow responsibly and sustainably to ensure we can handle the growth that we are bringing into the city.”

But with the topic of growth comes the concern for more affordable housing, or expanded housing, as Reed would prefer to call it. “I don’t like the term ‘affordable housing,’” said Reed. “I feel like affordable housing traps you into this finite space that has been pre-defined by others, and ‘affordable’ is such a broad and subjective term.”

Due to the fact that what may be “affordable” to one person may not be “affordable” to another, Reed prefers to use the term “expanded housing.” A solution that suits the needs of people across a much broader spectrum than just what’s “affordable” and begins to address the root issue in our housing crisis — access. 

“We need more than just tract homes and housing developments,” said Reed. “We need townhomes and condos and apartments. We need housing for people who don’t want to buy houses, because as it pertains to apartments, historically speaking, they are more affordable than homes and easier to access.”

While building these townhomes, condos and apartments would mean more growth, it would also mean growing sustainably and responsibly. “When you start expanding your housing opportunities outside of just housing developments, a 14-acre plot of land can give you more than 200 units, vs. the 30 single-family homes a housing development would provide,” said Reed. “So yes, it’s more building, but it’s giving more people an opportunity to find housing they can actually afford and access, which is what I feel DeLand is lacking right now.”

A resident of DeLand since the 1990s and the well-known owner of Cafe DaVinci, Reed has seen this city through its many phases and is ready to be part of the ones ahead. “I’ve seen DeLand grow over the years, and it’s been fortunate enough to maintain its charm, and now I’d like the opportunity to serve this city to safeguard that charm for the years ahead,” said Reed. “I’m just a guy — not your typical politician at all. I love this town, and I want to be here as a public servant to make this town’s future better and ensure it’s what we all envision.”

Learn more about Daniel Reed by visiting danfordeland.com, or call 386-279-7418.

Cast your ballot for Daniel Reed for City Commissioner Seat 4 during the primary election on Tuesday, Aug. 23.

– Political advertisement paid for and approved by Daniel Reed for DeLand City Commission Seat 4


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