Endorses Nesbit

Endorses Nesbit
Buz Nesbit

Editor, The Beacon:

Three DeLand citizens have stepped forward to run for mayor.

Good for them for not just talking the political talk, but also for making the run. Each is a good person and dedicated citizen.

That makes for a difficult choice. Buz Nesbit has my vote in the Tuesday, Aug. 23, election for three reasons.

Because he has emphasized bringing people together, ranging from plans to integrate the work of Stetson University with the community, to coordination of life and work in Spring Hill with all of DeLand.

Because he emphasizes transparency of communication and of dollars spent.

And because he has shown strong support for DeLand’s quality of life in the face of development pressures. He doesn’t just talk the talk, in challenging developers and challenging all of us to ask questions that will focus developers’ attention on the town’s character.

Even when in the minority on the Preservation and Planning boards, he was willing, in the spirit of U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Marshall Harlan, to be DeLand’s “Great Dissenter!”

Also, with work in the business world at Time Warner, he can also talk the talk of business, while his heart is with the unique character of DeLand.

Paul Croce


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