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Sunday, September 8, 2024
Home Opinion opinion/letters_to_editor Appreciates comments about our nation’s history

Appreciates comments about our nation’s history

Appreciates comments about our nation’s history

Editor, The Beacon:

I commend Kathy Hersh for her prompt effective response to hateful propaganda being distributed via yard trash. Her comments about our nation’s history in a Nov. 3 guest commentary in The Beacon also reminded me that if studying history leaves you feeling happy and proud, you’re probably not studying history.

No nation’s history is fully consistent with the nation’s highest ideals. Politicians and activists who suppress teaching about shameful and embarrassing historical facts will only ensure that the next generation will misunderstand their nation’s history and will fail to address the consequences of previous failures.

Nations, no less than individuals, must acknowledge, own and repent of their shortcomings before they can make amends for them.

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23

Tom Armistead



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