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Monday, September 9, 2024
Home Opinion opinion/letters_to_editor Communication, compromise are necessary for a harmonious community

Communication, compromise are necessary for a harmonious community

Communication, compromise are necessary for a harmonious community

Editor, The Beacon:

“Compromise is a costly word. No compromise even more so.”

— Bono, from his current book, Surrender

In all forms of relationship, we compromise. Agreements made between amenable parties provide stability between those parties. Among individuals and groups of individuals, situations arise that require decisions that will provide wins and losses for everyone involved. For the common good, these are absorbed by everyone.

By considering the potential occurrence of situations that may arise, some compromises are made ahead of time. These prearranged agreements provide smooth activity or behavior in a relationship of individuals or groups of individuals to facilitate fewer complications in our lives.

The key components of compromise are knowing exactly what you want, with consideration for the other party or parties involved.

Through clear communication of your needs and a willingness to hear and consider the needs of others, compromise is less difficult and more possible.

If we would like our lives to be less complicated, communication skills are helpful. What we are saying and how we say it are two prominent features of our side of any conversation.

Our ability to listen to and hear the wants of others completes the other side of the conversation.

When we hear what is being said and, for that moment, try to consider a perspective other than our own, we may begin to perceive common goals or recognize paths toward mutual agreements.

If we truly care about our communities, our nation, our world, we need also to care about each other. It is easier to care about someone we know. It is easier to know someone by hearing who they are and what they want. They may be looking for the very same thing from us. We may find that we have more in common, and find that we are more motivated to achieve compromise.

Dr. Christopher Jordan



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