Judy Bergado is January Artist of the Month

Judy Bergado is January Artist of the Month

West Volusia Artists are featuring Judy Bergado as the January Artist of the Month. Her acrylic piece is titled Winter Dream.

Having grown up in New York and then New Jersey, Bergado has experienced her share of cold weather. After retiring in 2015, Bergado and her husband, Simo, moved to Deltona.

Previously, her art experience was primarily with jewelry and craft shows. She has developed her art skills through online classes.

Besides landscapes, lately Bergado’s focus has been on drawing faces.

For the personal touch, Bergado speaks highly of the experienced instructor at the Chisholm Center in DeLand. Art journaling for her friends and grandchildren has become one of her favorite pastimes. Her advice is to “be ready to try new things even if you’re not comfortable with it.”

Bergado joined the West Volusia Artists after seeing the group mentioned on the Wayne G. Sanborn Activity Center’s calendar. The group meets 9 a.m.-noon the first and third Friday of the month September-May. The Sanborn Center is at 815 S. Alabama Ave. in DeLand.

Activities consist of plein-air events, field trips, art demos and challenges. Artists of different talent levels and working in different mediums are welcome.

For more information, call club President Melinda Ellis Cummings at 386- 846-3330.

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