St. Ann’s Council of Catholic Women, of DeBary, has awarded Betsy Sereikas a $1,000 scholarship. Sereikas, who is headed to the University of Central Florida, was homeschooled. She graduated with a 4.8 GPA, 1450 SAT score, was consecutively on the President’s List at Daytona State College from 2020 to 2022, is a member of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, and, in her spare time, was a gymnastics coach and tutored students for the SAT. Sereikas was a very active member of St. Ann’s Catholic Parish for more than eight years and was accepted to four colleges with scholarships.
Another of St. Ann’s outstanding graduates is Michael Collins. He graduated from the University of Central Florida with a Bachelor of Science. Collins majored in religion and cultural studies, with a minor in philosophy. He earned a Certificate on Interfaith Dialogue and is next seeking a master’s degree.