By Amy Munizzi
Dear Beacon Staff,
We thank Al Everson for his story on the ongoing City Limits saga in DeLeon Springs. However, after reading the bigoted online comments that are thoroughly ignorant of the facts, I felt compelled to respond.
This location was previously a quiet barbecue restaurant with a small stage in back with low-key live music that rarely disturbed anyone, or if it did, no one contacted us about it. Now it’s called City Limits, and it’s a different place.
What began the troubles at City Limits were not the “New York Jews” (as some people identified them in the online comments), but multiple complaints about excessive noise, registered to the Volusia Sheriff’s Office and the county code-compliance office and made by multiple neighbors along Mills Road behind the business. Those neighbors also contacted the DeLeon Springs Community Association to see if we could help.
Because DeLeon Springs is not a town but an unincorporated community, the “New York Jews” did exactly as they should have, by attending public participation during a Volusia County Council meeting, informing our representatives about what they were experiencing, and asking for help from the correct agencies.
Once code-compliance officers visited the site, they found multiple issues and cited the owner. These code-compliance officers are heroes to our community, and they conduct themselves in a professional manner, letting landowners know what the issue is and how to rectify it so the case can be quickly closed.
Those who want to take the “This is my property and I’ll do as I please” approach force these officers to go through the necessary legal steps to encourage these individuals to comply. If they refuse to comply, they are eventually referred to the Code Enforcement Board, where fines and liens begin to mount and, if not paid, go as a lien with the title if or when the property is eventually sold, or even foreclosed on by Volusia County to collect the county’s money.
According to many of the neighbors, they have had to install “NO PARKING” signs at their expense to keep City Limits patrons from parking in their yards. The patrons continue to do it. Their windows rattle a half-mile away from the loud music that goes on well beyond midnight. The Volusia Sheriff’s Office has documented this.
The “New York Jews” have been so dreadfully maligned for their humility in asking our county government for help, instead of lashing out in some way as others might have. This Orthodox Jewish group of families came to DeLeon Springs for the same reason most of us did: peace, quiet, natural beauty, kind folks, and a place to earn a living and call home.
They’ve purchased several old buildings, renovating and landscaping them beautifully, and within county standards. Yes, these neighbors look a bit unique wearing white gowns and walking on Saturdays, putting their cars and technology aside to contemplate God for a day or so. But they’ve added to our community.
We are grateful to the men and women of the Code Compliance Division, under the fine direction of Code Compliance Manager Chris Hutchison, for their genuine efforts to clean up our community and the risks they take while doing it. We’ve had an outstanding relationship with them, and they’ve done so much to help us.
— Munizzi is president of the DeLeon Springs Community Association Inc.
The only neighbors who complain are the new York jews.. Noone else complains, city holds tons of fundraisers and does more for the community then the new York jews do.
Another brilliant comment from that famous Greek, Edipus Anonymous. Bigotry is alive and sick in De Leon Springs!!! I guess the sheriff’s department, code enforcement, the county boards and the citizens with a joining properties are all controlled by the “Jews of New York”??? What a bunch of insecure paranoid antisemitic pathetic whiners. I bet they go to church every Sunday and feel wonderful about themselves. Disgusting!!!