As the Orange City Council prepares for the new fiscal year, the elected body has set the extra annual fees that property owners must pay.
Homeowners will be charged $189.90 for the pickup and disposal of household garbage and trash for the 2024 fiscal year. The new fiscal year begins Oct. 1.
Charges for stormwater control for the average home in Orange City will be $79.35 for the next fiscal year. Businesses and institutions, such as churches, pay stormwater charges based on the size of the square footage of the impervious area of their facilities.
Orange City has two neighborhoods with streetlighting districts. Owners of homes or lots in Shadow Ridge will pay an annual $135 for extra lighting at night.
Owners of homes or lots in Briarwood South’s streetlighting district will be assessed $62 for the coming fiscal year.
The Orange City Council Sept. 13 approved each of these four special assessments with a 6-0 vote. Council Member Casandra Jones was absent.
The charges will appear on the property-tax bills that will be mailed in late October or early November.