Prescribed fire today at Lake George Conservation Area in Volusia County

Prescribed fire today at Lake George Conservation Area in Volusia County
Photo Courtesy St. Johns River Water Management District

The St. Johns River Water Management District is conducting a 60-acre prescribed burn today at Lake George Conservation Area in Volusia County. The burn’s purpose is to reduce hazardous fuel loads and maintain fire-dependent natural communities.

Prescribed fire is the use of carefully planned fire purposefully set under stringent conditions to manage the fire’s effects. Before conducting a burn, the District ensures that wind and other weather conditions are correct for managing the fire and minimizing the impacts of smoke to residents and traffic.

Periodic prescribed fires on District lands enhance the land’s environmental quality and protect its neighbors from destructive wildfires, but not without the possibility of temporary nuisances, such as smoke and ash.

Prescribed fires help prevent wildfires by burning off fuels that naturally build up over time, while also helping to manage the growth of woody shrubs.

In fire-dependent ecosystems, fire is nearly as important as rainfall and sunshine. The benefits of prescribed fire include restoring and maintaining natural communities, reducing chances of destructive wildfires, perpetuating fire-adapted plants and animals, cycling nutrients, managing tree diseases and opening scenic vistas.

Follow the District on social media to know when prescribed burns are taking place in your area. To learn more about the District’s prescribed burn program, visit the District online at follow the conversation at #LoveYourLands #RxBurn #goodfire #sjrwmd.

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  1. The recurring cycle persists: a dilemma arises regarding whether the purpose is to enhance wildlife habitats, prevent forest fires, restore the health of fire-dependent ecosystems, or eliminate vegetation accumulation; nevertheless, the chosen approach remains controlled burning. It is merely a matter of time before the area is subjected to burning once again. In comparison to other states, Florida experiences a greater amount of rainfall, minimizing the risk of major wildfires. However, fire-dependent ecosystems exist within Florida due to its higher incidence of lightning strikes compared to other states. The eradication of vegetation in natural landscapes contradicts the principles of nature. While this practice is commonly employed in industrial tree farms, they manage to secure government funds to remove the underbrush that competes for the available water and nutrients essential for their tree cultivation. It is crucial to recognize that fires do not improve habitat; instead, they leave behind a trail of destruction and loss of life.


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