Editor, The Beacon:
While disenfranchising many of us who don’t have internet or can’t afford a computer, publishing public notices on the internet is a bad idea.
For all the reasons The West Volusia Beacon explained, it’s a bad idea. I have one more. The Beacon publishes every notice for the required time. This may sound sinister, but allowing the government to publish all the advertisements is like letting the fox guard the henhouse.
Let’s face it, the current Florida governor and Legislature have been less than forthcoming with legal dealings. Suppose, just suppose, local government has an agenda regarding a particular advertisement. Perhaps it is pertinent to the rezoning of a property. They may choose not to publish it so as to avoid any rebuttal from nearby residents. And so it goes.
This is just one more way of taking more rights away from the citizens and voters. Our democracy is in decline.
Tom Walker
DeLeon Springs