Spiritual Side: Kwanzaa Celebration is free and open to the public

Spiritual Side: Kwanzaa Celebration is free and open to the public
ALWAYS READY TO HELP — From left, Elder Brimhall and Elder Humphrey of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints help out at the recent Backpack Buddies Food Giveaway. The Backpack Buddies is a nonprofit organization that has partnered with Second Harvest Food Bank and AdventHealth to serve more than 30,000 pounds of food to underserved families. “Elders of the church always seem to save the day with a helping hand,” said Kelli Marks, president of Backpack Buddies. BEACON PHOTO/AL EVERSON

Here is a reminder that the African American Museum of the Arts is hosting a Kwanzaa Celebration noon-4 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 30, at the Noble “Thin Man” Watts Amphitheater, 322 S. Clara Ave. in DeLand.

There will be a Libation Ceremony, a Candlelighting Ceremony, a guest speaker, traditional food, drummers and dancers. The event is free and open to the public.

Rummage Sale

Greater Faith AME Church of Deltona is hosting a Rummage Sale 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 30, in the church parking lot at 800 Deltona Blvd.

Curious New Year’s Eve traditions

Mel Browning, a member of First Unitarian Universalist Church of West Volusia in DeLand, will present the final Sunday service of 2023 on Sunday, Dec. 31, at the church.

From dropping balls to blowing stuff up, the world is full of strange and sometimes bizarre ways of welcoming the new year. First UU will share some of these quirky traditions.

Joining voices, “Auld Lang Syne” will be sung by the community as everyone moves together toward the New Year 2024.

‘Seeds for the New Year’

The congregation of Mosaic Unitarian Universalists meets online at 11 a.m. every Sunday. On Dec. 31, Mosaic will enjoy a small-group ministry-style service. The topic of the morning is “Seeds for the New Year,” and is offered by the UUA’s Worship Web.

Suggested for your consideration are the following food-for-thought questions: What seeds are you planting for the new year? How are you weaving your magic into your relationships with others? How can we center beauty and goodness and love in all that is ahead?

Judy Raymond will facilitate the group. Everyone is welcome!

‘The End of the Start’

To bring us into the New Year, First Church DeLand will have a special guest speaker Sunday, Dec. 31. Pastor Terry Medlin, former pastor of Lake Helen Methodist Church, will have as his sermon title “The End of the Start.”

As we end the year of 2023, are we ready to jump into the boat, eagerly grab an oar, and row in a unified manner in the

direction that is in service to God? After we hear the wise words of Pastor Medlin, we will all deliver a hearty “yes”!

First Church DeLand is planning a plethora of opportunities for 2024. Families have many exciting activities ahead to be involved in. Youth and young adults will have an active schedule, plus there is a Parish Nurse Ministry, Parents Night Out, weekly grief group, First Church’s choir, weekly Bible studies, a women’s group, a men’s group, and so much more! Grab an oar, and get involved!

1st Christian Church activities

Brenda Velazquez- Morales is leading the worship service at First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of DeLand at 10:45 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 31. Dorothy Ashton and Dr. Janet Raney give the prayers at Open Communion for all present.

The Disciple Women are gearing up for the annual Trash and Treasure Sale 7 a.m.-2 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Feb. 2 and 3. Donations are welcomed 1-3 p.m. every Monday. The annual sale and twice-monthly bingo enable the women to donate several thousand dollars to 501(c)(3)s in West Volusia, and provide youth-camp scholarships. Those benefiting in 2023 were The Bridge emergency shelter, Rising Against All Odds, Foundations to Freedom, Holy Temple Learning Camp, Journey’s End, Police Athletic League, Kairos, the Salvation Army, VFW and AmVets, and HOPE (Helpers of People Enslaved).

The Disciple Women are thankful and appreciative for all the services these nonprofit organizations provide and hope other individuals and groups will contribute, helping to make life in West Volusia blessed for all.

Reign it in!

Our journey to determine “Where We Belong” draws to a close Sunday, Dec. 31, as Pastor Michael Bodger of First Presbyterian Church of DeLand concludes his sermons about helping us wander in the wilderness, come home and welcome the Christ child.

The surprising or not-so-surprising place of “Where We Belong” comes down to where we find ourselves and God’s willingness to use unexpected people in unexpected places.

God uses us, if we so respond, to bring the reign of God, to bring wholeness in the broken places of the world.

“For as the earth brings forth shoots … so God will cause righteousness and praise to spring up.” (Isaiah 61:11)

We are given the freedom to work in the present for God’s kingdom, even as we wait for the kingdom to fully come.

First Pres DeLand welcomes 2024 with two strong monthly events that are open to our greater community. Fun for all ages bingo continues at 7 p.m. on the first Friday of each month, with fun lighthearted prizes. The church hosts a cookout at 5:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month, with hamburgers, hot dogs and chips provided.

Assistance to the hungry of DeLand will come Saturday, Jan. 20, as First Pres hosts a free Drive-Thru Food Drive that begins at 9 a.m. Thank you to Farm Share (farmshare.org to see their events calendar) for providing the food.

— For church locations, worship times, group meetings and contact information, check out the Religion Directory on Page 2B. Send church news to margie@beacononlinenews.com.

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Raised in Miami Beach, Margie moved to DeLand after graduating from Florida State University. She has a master's degree in community mental-health counseling, and retired after 12 years in substance-abuse treatment. Having worked at the DeLand Sun News during the 1980s, Margie came to The Beacon in 2002 in search of a second career. She helps the reporters; compiles obituaries, the calendar of events and religion news; and deals with a mountain of emails each day. Margie is the proud Nana to two grandchildren, Sophia and Alex.

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