Editor, The Beacon:
Mr. Al Everson’s commentary titled “Surprise! Are we prepared for an economic Pearl Harbor?” was about our economy, although Pearl Harbor has nothing to do with it.
Our economy is in an upswing, following difficult years from the pandemic. It is not headed for a disaster, if that is what Mr. Everson meant by Pearl Harbor.
Mr. Everson mentions that the national debt is a problem brought about by presidents and members of Congress of both political parties. That is not true.
Government data by the Department of the Treasury is easily available, and it shows by its graph that since 1981, Republican presidents have increased the debt substantially, and Democratic presidents have slowed it down.
To answer the title’s question, I am surprised that the party that cuts taxes and loosens fiscal regulations that increase the national debt gets elected to continue this careless trajectory. We can also be prepared if we elect our government representatives wisely.
Marvin Lindroth