Guest Commentary: Democrats don’t run Florida

Guest Commentary: Democrats don’t run Florida
David Rauschenberger


Recently, I read an offering by another miserable Democrat who splits time between Florida and another state. Not sure why that matters, but it appeared to be important for some reason.

Per usual, anyone who supports the Republican side of the fence is running out of time to get with “the program.” The contributor tells us that Democrats have given us ample time to “fix” things. What he and other malcontents don’t get is we on the right don’t give a damn what he thinks. Not even a little. Same thing with bloviating professors from local universities or former contributors to this paper.

You can read The Daytona Beach News-Urinal and the Orlando Slantinel and never encounter many contributions from the right. Florida is decidedly “right,” and election results prove that fact. But there are disgruntled Democrats who enjoy nearly unfiltered platforms for their rants. I enjoy their pain. But I do have a little advice for them.

Nobody really cares about their threats or melancholy. If they don’t like Florida and are so miserable, they should move to a state where Dems rule. They should try to better their lives by admitting defeat in Florida. And I’d point out that they might want to think about exiting the country proper.

Former President Donald Trump might just win again in November. He’ll only win, if Dems run the obviously cognitively impaired Joe Biden and the vapid idiot Kamala Harris.

I’d advise my Democrat friends to jet-tison Joe at the convention and bring in whomever they think can give Trump a good challenge.

That person will have to debate Trump. Biden never will. He’s not capable. And Florida is out of reach for Democrats, if they wish to be content and happy in the state they reside within. And they won’t be for a long time.

People are moving here to get away from Democrat policies and taxes. I laugh, when Democrats rant in The Beacon. Please don’t stop filling The Beacon with four-week period pieces and a majority of offerings from read-ers who whine and cry about the direction a majority of Florida voters support.

Florida isn’t close to being a Democrat state. I revel in their political agony, every time they write in The Beacon. I’m guilty of bloviating myself this time. I’ll try to be more succinct next time.

— Rauschenberger lives in Orange City.

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  1. The pettiness, and shallow analysis are only exceeded by the pathetic, narcistic, arrogance that fuels empty, infantile demagoguery. “Full of it” is the baseline.


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