2024 State of the County includes call for unity to deal with growth

2024 State of the County includes call for unity to deal with growth
BEACON PHOTO/AL EVERSON<br> WELCOMING COMMITTEE — Guests, including members of the Volusia County Council, attending the 2024 State of the County address at The Center at Deltona see a contingent of opponents still upset about the planned Belvedere fuel terminal next to Ormond Beach. One week earlier, the council had decided against continuing its moratorium on applications to develop on lands in the unincorporated portion of the county zoned for heavy-industrial uses and activities, such as receiving, storing and distributing large quantities of gasoline and other combustibles.

In what has become a civic tradition, Volusia County’s State of the County address for 2024 came at the outset of an election year billed as crucial for local governments, the state of Florida, the nation and the world.

Some 450 people gathered Feb. 14 at The Center at Deltona for the social-political occasion — with the emphasis on things political — to meet, greet, eat and seek to sway others in their thinking on issues. This year’s State of the County gathering had as its theme “Shaping the Future Together.” 

The event came amid seemingly unlimited growth and the challenges of balancing conservation of the natural environment of the state and the area, while making places for new settlers to call home. 

“Everything works together. Everything has a purpose and a role,” County Chair Jeff Brower told the audience. “Everything has to work together at the right time. That’s what today is about. That’s what I want you to carry from this, that this is a time in our history in Volusia County where we all have to come together to work together with a common goal of improving our county.”

REPRESENTING THE RIVER CITY — Local pride stands out, as Mayor Karen Chasez, left, and Vice Mayor Phyllis Butlien, right, let anyone and everyone know where they are from.

Brower addressed the need to balance private-property rights among adjoining landowners. He called for changes in development standards that include filling in wetlands and elevating building sites to drain water onto adjoining properties.

Elected in 2020, Brower is seeking another four-year term as county chair. Two rivals, Randy Dye and Don Burnette, are challenging Brower 

“I will pursue the inclusion of low-impact development principles and the practice of prevention, when it comes to doing harm to other people’s property over mitigation and asking our neighbors to adopt or adapt to government force,” Brower added. “There are times when we just have to say no, to protect the property rights and quality of life for every taxpayer in Volusia County.”

The 2024 State of the County address was a collaborative work, in that County Chair Jeff Brower shared the time and the spotlight with his colleagues. In addition to Brower’s live remarks, there were video segments made by each of the six other members of the County Council.

PLEASED WITH THE CROWD — Volusia County Chair Jeff Brower delivers opening remarks as the crowd prepares to dine and hear about the county’s accomplishments of the past year and the challenges and opportunities ahead.

In the nearly two-decade history of the State of the County address, this was the first time it took place on the west side of the county. The Ocean Center in Daytona Beach has heretofore been the venue for the event, which is free and open to anyone who manages to make reservations before the deadline. 

The State of the County address is a mandate in Volusia County’s home-rule charter. That mandate came from a charter amendment approved by the voters in 2002.

“The county chair shall report annually to the county and residents the activities of county government for the previous year and the status of accomplishments with existing goals and objectives,” reads Section 307.2 of the charter. “The report shall set forth new and revised goals and objectives for future action. Subsequently, the county council shall meet to consider adoption of a plan of action for implementation of the goals and objectives.”

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