Election Day for the 2024 Presidential Preference Primary is quickly
approaching. To ensure voters are election ready, Lisa Lewis, Supervisor of
Elections, is reminding them about important upcoming dates.
“Election Day is almost here. Our office is ready, and we want to make sure
that all eligible voters are ready also,” stated Supervisor Lewis.
In Florida, voters have the option to vote one of three ways: by mail, in person
during early voting, or at their assigned polling location on Election Day.
Voters wishing to vote by mail must make a request to the Supervisor’s
Office by 5:00 pm on March 7. This will allow ample time for the ballot to
arrive in the mail and be returned to the Supervisor’s Office.
Requests may be made online at VolusiaElections.gov, or by phone at 386-
Voters may return their ballot by mail or dropping off at one of the seven
early voting sites during hours of operations.
Early Voting in Volusia County runs from March 9 through March 16. This
year, the Supervisor’s Office is announcing two new early voting locations,
Florence K Little Town Hall in DeBary and Lakeside Community Center in
Port Orange.
“After each election, we look at ways to better serve our voters. With the
growth in Southwest Volusia, we knew we needed to add an additional early
voting location there,” said Lewis.
The seven early voting sites are:
• The Supervisor of Elections Office, 1750 S Woodland Blvd, DeLand
• Florence K Little Town Hall, 16 Colomba Rd, DeBary
• The Center at Deltona, 1640 Dr. M.L.K. Blvd, Deltona
• Ormond Beach Regional Library, 30 S Beach St, Ormond Beach
• Daytona Beach Regional Library, 105 Jackie Robinson Pkwy,
Daytona Beach
• Lakeside Community Center, 1999 City Center Cir, Port Orange
• New Smyrna Beach Regional Library, 1001 S Dixie Fwy, New
Smyrna Beach
Voters may vote at any location that is convenient to them.
Each site will be open from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.
Voters wishing to vote on Election Day, must vote at their assigned
polling location. Voters may visit VolusiaElections.gov to find their
polling location.
Election Day polling locations are open from 7:00 am – 7:00pm.
-Lisa Lewis