What if Bike Week was throughout the year?

What if Bike Week was throughout the year?

Bike Week may mean different things to different people. 

Volusia County has taken the first step toward creating a facility for young and young-at-heart bicyclists to sharpen their skills and compete with one another. The County Council Feb. 20 asked for more information on the feasibility and costs of creating a BMX track. The proposed cost of a racing ground may be $5.7 million to $10 million.

“I think this could be done way cheaper,” Council Member Don Dempsey said.

The possible scenarios include the county’s ownership, development and operation of a BMX racing facility; or the county could invite a private company to develop and operate the track. County Manager George Recktenwald said NASCAR favors the sport.

“They would like to be involved. They haven’t said they would like to be involved financially,” he added. 

The land eyed for a BMX track is at the county’s Tomoka Landfill. 

If the county becomes a partner in the venture, the council was told, the track may “break even” in the fourth year of its operation and show a profit in the years following.

“I really want this to work,” County Chair Jeff Brower said. “It’s a family event. It’s good clean fun.”

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