Is grateful to U.S. Rep. Waltz

Is grateful to U.S. Rep. Waltz

Editor, The Beacon:

I am writing to express my heartfelt appreciation to Congressman Mike Waltz. I am currently a first lieutenant in the U.S. Army, serving in Germany. I’ve recently decided to apply to the Army JAG Corps program, with the goal of becoming an Army attorney.

Having met Congressman Waltz while he was running for his first term in Congress in 2018, I reached out to his office as a constituent of District 6, requesting a letter of recommendation from him for the Army Law Program.

Congressman Waltz and his staff were eager and willing to help, and I’m proud to be able to include the congressman’s recommendation in my application.

I extend my sincerest gratitude to Congressman Waltz for his continued support and mentorship. His efforts have reminded me of the importance of unity and solidarity in serving our country. Thank you, Congressman Waltz.

Jared Mitchell


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