Volusia County Schools break ground for Orange City Elementary School

Volusia County Schools break ground for Orange City Elementary School
BEACON PHOTO/MARSHA MCLAUGHLIN<br> BREAKING GROUND — Orange City Elementary School staff and Volusia County School Board and cabinet members, and representatives of Schenkel Shultz Architecture and Ajax Building Company participate in the March 18 groundbreaking ceremony at Orange City Elementary School.

Orange City Elementary School, located at 555 E. University Ave. in Orange City, is undergoing an update and expansion.

The school was originally constructed in 1878 and will be rebuilt at its current location. Plans call for new administration offices, a media center, art and music classrooms, a new parent drop-off/pickup line and onsite parking.

During the week of March 11-15, students were sent home with information regarding construction activity that will include a transition to new portables prior to Orange City Elementary’s Spring Holiday, as well as the demolition of some campus buildings that will have been initiated by the time students return from Spring Holiday on April 1.

Student drop-off/pickup will change for all grade levels beginning April 1. On March 13, Orange City Elementary hosted a “Construction Parent Information Meeting” in order to inform families of upcoming safety and procedural changes.

A groundbreaking ceremony occurred March 18. The architect for the new Orange City Elementary is Schenkel Shultz Architecture, and the contractor is Ajax Building Company.

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  1. So, our children are going to school in trailers? This is not an update or expantion. As a parent and homeowner within walking distance to the school, I am so embarrssed and disappointed that our school district couldn’t do better than this. Families living in Orange City are already struggling and now, our kids get to go to school in trailers ?
    In addition, my properties value has taken a dump due to these eyesores. This historic school built in 1878 looks like a broke ass trailer park!


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