Spiritual Side: Party at The Bosco will feature a variety show and more

Spiritual Side: Party at The Bosco will feature a variety show and more
BEACON PHOTO/MARSHA MCLAUGHLIN<br> CELEBRATING EASTER — Virginia Clifton, Nancy West, Cheri Swann and April, Indiana, Charlotte and Virginia Bass gather for a photo in front of a newly decorated cross in Downtown DeLand. Decorated crosses are part of the Easter tradition in DeLand, with churches, nonprofits, businesses, families and service organizations participating.

Party at The Bosco

The Knights of Columbus, Council No. 6274, will host a “Party at The Bosco,” a special musical event that will take place at 7 p.m. Saturday, April 6, in St. Peter Catholic Church’s Bosco Hall, 359 W. New York Ave. in DeLand.

The show, titled “The Ed Sullivan Variety Show,” will benefit the Knights of Columbus’ charities, specifically the Special Olympics of Volusia County.

Doors open at 5:15 p.m., with a special food menu and beverages offered at 5:30 p.m. The concert will follow at 7 p.m.

Tickets cost $25 for general admission and $30 for VIP seating.

Advance tickets are available and can be purchased by calling Bob Watson at 386-717-4887 or Larry Rivers at 951-500-9301.


Giving back to the natural world

Join Dick Bozung at the 10:30 a.m. service Sunday, April 7, at First Unitarian Universalist Church of West Volusia in DeLand as he performs an abridged version of his rewilding musical The Child Who Went to the Zoo.

The show is about a nightingale who sings on behalf of giraffes at a zoo in the movement to restore the natural world. The audience will be invited to give thanks to all our wild relations through improvisational freestyle harmonizing on a variety of simple-to-play melodic instruments.

Also known as “Frog,” Bozung is a California native who has resided in St. Augustine since 2008. He is a musical-instrument designer/maker, a music teacher/therapist and a sailor.

A former environmental engineer and Ventura, California, city councilman, Frog is also the author/composer of The Child Who Spoke With the Earth.

Unitarian Universalists are an inclusive, freethinking, faith community, where all are welcome, as everyone learns and searches together for truth.


Save the dates

*Professionals working locally to reduce drug overdoses, combat family homelessness and meet mental-health needs will offer hands-on advice with solutions for these issues during this spring’s Interfaith and Community Resource Network Sharing Conference 2-5 p.m. Sunday, April 14, at Catholic Church of the Epiphany, 201 Lafayette St. in Port Orange.

The seasonal Sharing Conference is free, including refreshments. Open to all, it is geared toward helping service providers in and around Volusia County learn from one another and identify opportunities for collaboration. Interfaith and Community Resource Network leaders encourage houses of worship, nonprofit organizations and government agencies to send participants.

*A Spring Themed-Basket Social will take place Saturday, April 20, in the Parish House of First Congregational United Church of Christ in Lake Helen. Browsing begins at noon, with a drawing for baskets and door prizes beginning at 1 p.m.

Each ticket sheet, which costs $20, includes 25 tickets for the silent auction plus a door-prize ticket. Tickets will be available at the door.

For information or advance tickets, call the church office at 386-218-5976.


‘Sunday After Easter’

The Rev. Carlos Perez of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of DeLand, invites the community to participate in the “Sunday After Easter” at 10:45 a.m. April 7. Some feel this is “Low Sunday,” since Easter was the glorious celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection.

The early church met on the Lord’s Day, first day of the week, to commemorate the Lord’s Resurrection. Therefore, every Sunday is the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection.

Join First Christian for songs of praise, prayers for thanksgiving, Scripture and a sermon for learning, and Communion giving thanks for God’s redeeming love.

In the Disciples church, Communion is the highlight of each week’s service, with all welcomed to the table whether members or not.

Other ministries of the church include Mondays at 3 p.m. for prayers in the church library, which is open to all; first Tuesdays, when volunteers serve the 5 p.m. meal at The Bridge homeless shelter; on the second and fourth Wednesdays, Marge Jones, Kellie Jones and Essie Miller sponsor the Joy Club at The Bridge; every Wednesday at noon and 7 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous meets in the church library. The second and fourth Fridays at 7 p.m. are bingo games, with the proceeds after expenses benefiting Coastal Choices Women’s Clinic.

The Disciple Men’s Breakfast group meets at 8 a.m. at the church for breakfast provided by Disciple Women. Call 386-734-6078 for reservations, or email lgartside@cfl.rr.com.


Breakfast at Faith Evangelical Lutheran

Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church in DeLand is hosting a breakfast at 9 a.m. Saturday, April 6. In addition to the food and fellowship, an inspirational message will be offered. To reserve a seat, call 386-734-2791.


‘Generosity and Hope’

The congregation of Mosaic Unitarian Universalist meets online at 11 a.m. every Sunday. The April 7 service is titled “Generosity and Hope.”

In Unitarian Universalism, generosity and hope go hand in hand. In this service, the Rev. Tracie Barrett tells us not only how they go hand in hand, but how we can cultivate them in our lives.

Jane Bradford will be the service leader. Everyone is welcome!


‘Resilient Faith’

“Resilient Faith” is the new sermon series at First Church DeLand. Learn about the importance of faith as taught by Pastor Mark Bitner.

It was through faith that Noah built a large boat to save his family from the flood. “By faith, we understand that the entire universe was formed at God’s command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen” Hebrews 11:3.

Vacation Bible School is June 24-28, with the theme “Scuba Diving Into Friendship With God.” Volunteer registration is open on the website.

Bible study will be at 6:15 p.m. Wednesday, April 10. Pastor Mark will lead one study, and a small group will meet in Room 113.



“How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!” In Psalm 133, David sings of that word — unity. Oh! That word! The word is thrown around to sow a sense of togetherness; however, in reality we stand far from that. David’s psalm advocates our living in unity — hearkening us to reason that living in disunity creates unpleasantry and chaos.

Thus, on Sunday, April 7, at First Presbyterian Church of DeLand, Pastor Michael Bodger will remind his listeners that Psalm 133 evokes images of oil and dew, both bringers of refreshment. Traditionally, oil extends hospitality to visitors and dew renewal to a barren landscape.

Pastor Bodger will challenge us! Do we try to live in unity with those around us in today’s world? Do we bring to others refreshment and welcome and life?

First Pres invites members and DeLand-area visitors to join the Second Wednesday Cookout at 5:30 p.m. April 10. The church kitchen will provide a main dish; those who can are asked to bring a side dish or dessert to share. We will relish spring outdoors under the pavilion, weather permitting.

Our joyful Easter season will extend into April with “Music for the Easter Season,” a special concert by First Presbyterian’s Music Ministry at 3 p.m. Sunday, April 14. Music Minister Jane Christeson has planned a combination of selections from Lent through Easter, featuring the Handbell Choir, the Chancel Choir, organist Dr. Boyd Jones and soloists. Seven of the 11 Stetson Choral Scholars, who will graduate soon, as well as the remaining undergraduates, will contribute to this special performance.

Upcoming missions and meetings include God’s Bathhouse on Saturday, April 13, and Saturday, April 27; Farm Share Food Distribution on Saturday, April 20; Let’s Worship Together at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, April 28, with a potluck lunch; and the annual Mission Team Fundraiser Saturday, April 27.

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Raised in Miami Beach, Margie moved to DeLand after graduating from Florida State University. She has a master's degree in community mental-health counseling, and retired after 12 years in substance-abuse treatment. Having worked at the DeLand Sun News during the 1980s, Margie came to The Beacon in 2002 in search of a second career. She helps the reporters; compiles obituaries, the calendar of events and religion news; and deals with a mountain of emails each day. Margie is the proud Nana to two grandchildren, Sophia and Alex.

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