Spiritual Side: Area churches invite all to celebrate Mother’s Day with them

Spiritual Side: Area churches invite all to celebrate Mother’s Day with them
PHOTO COURTESY BOB WATSON<br> KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PRESENT CHECK TO ATHLETE — From left, Tony Tambini and Larry Rivers, with athlete Richard Tambini in the middle, and Margaret Tambini and Bob Watson present Richard with a check for $2,700 to help him compete as a swimmer in the upcoming Special Olympics state championship. The Knights have successfully transitioned into their new location at St. Peter Catholic Church’s Bosco Hall.

Mother’s Day at First Church DeLand

Happy Mother’s Day from First Church DeLand to all mothers! Mothers are encouraged to attend this Sunday to receive a surprise.

Pastor Mark Bitner will continue with the sermon series “Resilient Faith: A Faith That Stands the Tests of Life.” Remember how your mother had faith in you? She knew you could slam that ball into the net, ace a math test, and create a beautiful poem. She had complete faith that you would accomplish all sorts of things during your lifetime. Through faith in God, we accomplish great things in our spiritual life, too.

Motherhood and a woman’s voyage

This Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 12, all are invited to First Unitarian Universalist Church of West Volusia in DeLand to hear Dr. Kelly Smith delve into the complex topic of womanhood and identify. Her engaging talk is titled “Discussions on the ‘F’ Word: An Epistemological Exploration of Femaleness.”

Dr. Smith is a Stetson professor of gender studies, a speaker and a community advocate. She is personally and professionally dedicated to addressing social-equity issues of gender, race and sexuality within the systemic and structural frameworks of contemporary American society.

The Gift of a Mother’s Teaching

On this Mother’s Day, First Presbyterian Church of DeLand will consider Proverbs 6:20-22 to celebrate the profound impact mothers, and mother-figures, have on our lives.

The Rev. Harland Merriam will speak about the wisdom found in the biblical writings and the acquisition of such wisdom.

Pastor Merriam will note the unique role of mothers’ instruction in shaping people’s character. We must fasten this teaching securely at our core. Merriam will remind us that those who serve in such a parental role find clear guidance in this particular text.

First Pres will reach out through God’s Bathhouse, 9-11 a.m., this Saturday, May 11, to provide private showers, fresh clothing, towels, manna bags and fellowship. Reports from participants show that the Bathhouse experience has made significant growth and improvement in their lives.

A Drive-Thru Food Distribution event will take place beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday, May 18. Volunteer traffic coordinators will direct cars to enter from West Pennsylvania Avenue to receive, on a first-come and first-served basis while supplies last, Farm Share-supplied food. Boxes provide enough of perishable and nonperishable food for a family of four for a week. With no identification or qualification requirements, this mission stands open to all people in need.

‘Spirit of Tranquility’ Gala Day

Don’t forget that on Saturday, May 11, the Southern Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp Meeting Association is hosting its “Spirit of Tranquility” Gala Day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The information booth, which is in front of the Andrew Jackson Davis Educational Building and Bookstore, is where folks can purchase tickets for 15-minute readings by camp-certified mediums for $25, and for the speakers series 11 a.m.-3 p.m. for $5 for each time slot, or $25 for an all-day speaker pass. Speaker tickets are also available online at Cassadaga.org; click preregister for tours, workshops and other events.

1st Christian Church activities

The Rev. Carlos Perez begins a five-part sermon series on the “Epistle of James” Sunday, May 12, at First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of DeLand.

There were three men named James in the New Testament: the Son of Zebedee, disciple and apostle of Christ; the son of Alphaeus, called the “less” and an apostle; and the half-brother of Jesus, traditionally called the “just” and who became the leader of the Jerusalem church, probably the Epistle of James’ author.

It is generally accepted that the letter of James was written to people living outside of Palestine, who may have been poor and suffering, which caused them to lose their desire to love others. James wants to bring them back to understanding Jesus’ message.

Since it is Mother’s Day, mothers and daughters will be recognized during the service.

Bingo will be at 7 p.m. Friday, May 10, to benefit Temple Learning Center Summer Camp. On Monday, May 13, at 3:30 p.m., Intercessory Prayers take place in the church library.

On Wednesday, May 15, at 10 a.m., members of HOPE (Helpers of People Enslaved) will take to the corners of New York Avenue and Woodland Boulevard, Downtown DeLand, to bring awareness to the plight of those who don’t have control of their destinies. It will be led by Lana Saxon, a member of Stetson Baptist Church.

‘Stilled Sandals on the Road to Emmaus’

The congregation of Mosaic Unitarian Universalists meets online every Sunday morning. The May 12 service is titled “Stilled Sandals on the Road to Emmaus.”

The quest for truth is a noble one, and one that sits at the heart of Unitarian Universalist identity. Too often, it takes us outside ourselves, leaving us isolated in our communities.

The Hon. Andrea Hawkins-Kamper explores the question of how we can better care for ourselves in the search, individually and collectively, remembering that truth is so often journeying along with us. Tracy Lunquist will be the service leader.

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Raised in Miami Beach, Margie moved to DeLand after graduating from Florida State University. She has a master's degree in community mental-health counseling, and retired after 12 years in substance-abuse treatment. Having worked at the DeLand Sun News during the 1980s, Margie came to The Beacon in 2002 in search of a second career. She helps the reporters; compiles obituaries, the calendar of events and religion news; and deals with a mountain of emails each day. Margie is the proud Nana to two grandchildren, Sophia and Alex.

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