Editor, The Beacon:

Liz Cheney’s book Oath and Honor appeals to intelligent people who can see through the lies and deceit spread by Donald Trump. It also appeals to people whose patriotic duty is to support the U.S. Constitution over party or candidate.

While a worthwhile endeavor, it seems there is still a fraction of the population who still believe the lies spread by the former president.

May I introduce a more practical and personal approach? Everyone who receives a paycheck has deductions for Medicare and Social Security to be set aside in escrow when they retire. As retirement time nears, these workers will expect these hard-earned funds to be allocated to them.

Donald Trump and Rick Scott view these funds as entitlements that are given to people by government. This hard-earned money is held in trust by the government to be disbursed when it is needed.

Trump and Scott have already said that they will shut down Social Security and Medicare. They will steal your money! If this isn’t reason enough to keep Trump out of the Oval Office, there are many more counts from four indictments as well.

This is money you have earned. Do you really want it to be gone when you retire? Think about it.

Tom Walker
U.S. Air Force veteran
DeLeon Springs


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