Editor, The Beacon:
This note is being written for two reasons. Only one ad is being shown on TV, and it is for Amendment 3, which will legalize recreational cannabis. Only seems fair that an alternative view be made available to those who want to think and make their own choice.
I have never used cannabis. Growing up, I was fearful of causing harm to myself that would likely keep me from playing sports, or I would get into serious trouble.
My understanding is that cannabis does have medical applications. That is not the issue I have with Amendment 3. From what I have read and heard from friends who have used cannabis recreationally, it does impair the user’s situational judgment and physical reaction time.
On that basis alone, I cannot be in favor of making it legal for casual use. It will be abused. We already have a problem with alcohol abuse, and our society has been trying to educate the public on the downside of drinking and driving for 30 or more years.
Now, we are going to legalize another substance. Why? Because we are too lazy to enforce the existing rules against its use? Does anyone believe that the illegal traffickers are going to fold their tents and become legal taxpayers?
If Amendment 3 passes, we will have two sets of rules to enforce. No? We’re going to ignore the illegals who will not pay taxes voluntarily?
I just don’t see anything positive for society. We might get more tax revenue, but we are going to have more rules to enforce. And we are going to have more people hurt in car crashes, because there will be people who don’t use now but will if it’s legal. Net result, more work for law enforcement, and more people driving impaired.
For me, I believe we should enforce the rules already on the books. We will have fewer impaired people and fewer illegal salesmen trying to get your kids to try cannabis. How bad can that be?
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph Godsey