Editor, The Beacon:

In these critical times, it is imperative that we elect leaders who are committed to integrity, inclusivity and progress. Rosemarie Latham is the candidate who embodies these values and is dedicated to serving the best interests of our community.

Rosemarie Latham brings a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of the issues that matter most to us. Her platform focuses on improving health care access, enhancing educational opportunities, protecting the environment and fostering economic growth. Rosemarie’s track record of community service and her commitment to transparent governance make her the ideal candidate to represent our district.

In contrast, the dangers of electing someone who identifies with the “Q” movement cannot be overstated. The “Q” movement, often associated with conspiracy theories and misinformation, poses a significant threat to our democratic processes and societal harmony. Individuals who align themselves with such ideologies are more likely to promote division, undermine trust in legitimate institutions and distract from addressing real issues with baseless claims.

Electing a representative who subscribes to conspiracy theories endangers our community by fostering fear and misinformation. It is crucial that our leaders are grounded in reality, committed to evidence-based decision making, and focused on constructive solutions.

Rosemarie Latham offers precisely this approach, ensuring that our government remains a force for good, rooted in truth and accountability.

We must come together to support Rosemarie Latham in this election. Her leadership promises a future where all voices are heard, and real, positive change is achieved for our community. Let’s make the right choice for progress, unity and a better Florida.

Abigail Matthew
Port Orange


  1. She’s an abortion sympathizer who advocates murdering babies; a swamp democrat leftist who supports transgender mutilations of pre-K children; and an open-borders activist who believes the flood of criminal illegal aliens into our country is OK. Well, Webster Barnaby is a God-fearing family man who supports decent TAXPAYING American citizens; protects the Constitution including the First & 2nd Amendments; and advocates for moral & ethical standards to support quality of life and opportunity for ALL. Vote for Webster Barnaby and you’ll be safer, wealthier and happier with his dedicated representation.


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