Editor, The Beacon:

Please be advised, our intention is to file a written objection with the City of Deltona Commission, in accordance with Notice of Hearing, to impose yet another punishing round of special assessment(s), to provide for the so-called collection of solid waste, levied against property owners in said city.

Special assessment(s), by definition, are not meant to carry on indefinitely, and certainly not for decades, but instead, and until applicable reserves are adequately maintained, to include transparency to its taxpaying base.

The City of Deltona’s well-documented mismanagement, up and down the spectrum, to include its ineptness, with its revolving door structure, at the city-commission level, is utterly appalling, and clearly unacceptable.

These most recent proposal(s) of punishing round(s) of assessment(s), raise additional red flags, and are attributable to so-called leaderships’ inability to effectively manage revenue, instead to simply bow out intellectually, and take the lazy, tax and spend mindset, to simply financially punish its residents in an attempt to recover so-called lessened revenue.

We are including local news, to hopefully have them act on our behalf, as advocates, to shine a bright light on the city, for transparency purposes, to reveal its well-advertised, highly inappropriate and misappropriated use of taxpayer revenue.

Stephen Dangelo
Ultra-concerned Volusia County,
City of Deltona, property owner


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