Drama team to present Story of Ruth
The Academy of Arts Summer Drama Team will be presenting The Story of Ruth at 6 p.m. Sunday, July 7, at Open Bible Baptist Church in Orange City. This is a free event open to the public.
When Ruth, a Moabite, leaves her community to follow her mother-in-law, Naomi, to the land of Israel, a story unfolds like nothing Ruth or Naomi could have ever imagined. Watch as the timeless story of redemption is brought to life.
Summer camp at Trinity UMC
Trinity United Methodist Church’s Music Makers Glow-in-the-Dark Summer Camp is almost here! Music Makers is a community children’s choir that prepares and presents children’s Christian musicals. The summer music and drama camp is for rising second- through fifth-graders.
The performance will include blacklight and other lighting specialties, along with the music.
On the last day of camp, following the performance, there will be a dessert bar for all!
The camp meets 5-7:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, July 22-26.
The cost is $25 for the week, with a discount for multiple children in the same family. Scholarships are available.
Space is limited, so don’t wait to register! You can register online at https://forms.gle/G5yQZNyF7C1hs4Kc6, or contact Conya Hartman, music director, at trinitymusic@trinitydeland.org or 386-734-4425.
ARTIST AND HIS PAINTING — Trinity United Methodist Church Pastor Todd Bardin stands by a painting he created during worship June 23. As Melissa Fuller brought the message from Mark 4:35-41, Pastor Todd painted a scene representing the disciples’ view on the boat during the storm.
This Sunday, July 7, the congregation of Mosaic Unitarian Universalist will continue their Summer Sharing Series of roundtable-style services online at 11 a.m. This Sunday, we will explore the subject of generosity.
The following are some questions to ponder before everyone gathers: Where has generosity shown up unexpectedly in your life? Consider a current challenge in your life. How might a grateful perspective help you through it?
Facilitator Jane Bradford will guide everyone through the discussion.
These services are designed to allow participants to share their thoughts if they choose to do so. Sharing is always voluntary; active listening is welcome, too.
Please consult the Religion Directory to learn how to take part. All are welcome.
‘My Help Comes From the Lord’
First Church DeLand continues in the series “The Psalms of Summer.” Pastor Mark Bitner’s sermon title this Sunday, July 7, is “My Help Comes From the Lord.”
We have all come upon times that were stressful, depressing and downright unfair. But we can rest assured knowing that the Lord watches over each one of us through our difficult periods.
We may not deserve His attention, but He is silently watching everything that occurs. He is always standing present in our life, ready to assist, if we ask.
The Small Group Wednesday Bible Study will continue to meet through the summer, studying the Book of Daniel, 6-7 p.m., in Room 113 in the Life Enrichment Center. All are welcome!
Freedom of choice for women
What does freedom of choice for women really mean? Join the members of Unitarian Universalists of DeLand at the 10:30 a.m. service Sunday, July 7, as Rosemarie A. Latham, an accomplished Autonomous Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (A-APRN), explains what the loss of women’s rights actually looks like in a health care setting.
As a pro-choice advocate, Latham recognizes the importance of autonomy in accessing health care choices.
With a wealth of experience spanning more than four decades, Latham has made significant contributions in both clinical practice and education. Learn more about Latham’s vision for a healthier and more inclusive Florida.
Unitarian Universalists are an inclusive, freethinking, faith community, where all are welcome, as everyone learns and searches together for truth.
1st Christian Church activities
The Rev. Carlos Perez of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of DeLand is welcomed back from Kansas City, Missouri, where he has been installed as the moderator of the Obra Hispana Assembly. This refers to the life and work of the Hispanic and bilingual congregations of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada.
The denomination has about 200 Hispanic and bilingual congregations and missions, plus other groups in the process of being organized.
Pastor Perez will lead the local Disciple congregation at 10:45 a.m. Sunday, July 7, with Joyce DeLoach as musician and Donna Mozley as song leader. Brenda Morales guides the Communion part of the service with elders for all present.
The adult Sunday-school class, at 9:30 a.m. July 7, is studying Lamentations 3:16-24. The anonymous writer encourages that when faced with confusion, suffering and so many questions, there is still reason for hope in God’s ceaseless love.
Disciple Men meet at the Big Rig 2 at 8 a.m. Saturday, July 13. For reservations, call 386-734-6078 and leave a message.
SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS — The Richard Pearce Memorial Scholarship committee of Trinity United Methodist Church in DeLand announces this year’s scholarship winners: Emma Van Deusen, left, and Kayla Sharp, right. In the middle, introducing the girls is Cindy Russo. Emma, granddaughter of Sally and Skip Van Deusen, graduated from DeLand High School and will be pursuing a degree in psychology at St. Johns River State College. Kayla, daughter of Tony and Yesenia Sharp, will be continuing her education at Daytona State College in the nursing program.
‘Don’t stay still!’
On Sunday, July 7, Associate Pastor Cassandra Riker will lead worship at First Presbyterian Church of DeLand. Pastor Casey’s sermon will spring from Mark 6:1-14.
Soon after Jesus had quieted a storm on the lake, Mark continues relating the travels of Jesus, eventually to Jesus’ hometown, where He preaches in the synagogue, amazing the disbelieving townsfolk.
Pastor Casey has just returned from First Pres DeLand’s annual mission trip to Nicaragua, so she will speak about that experience.
When God calls, she, and we, must go. How easy it is to stay in our comfort zone with our own language and culture, our own sheltering (and mostly air-conditioned houses), near our accessible markets.
How much easier to share the word of God with people known and probably agreeable with and to you!
We must not stay still, but go where God has called us … even to the challenging uncomfortable unfamiliar.
Summer has brought to First Pres a reduced schedule; however, several significant events will happen during July in addition to regular weekly Sunday schools and group meetings.
First, the six-part Wednesday-evening series “A Focus on Spiritual Practices” concludes with an open invitation to the July 10 meeting on “A Focus on Movement,” and on July 17 on “A Focus on Prayer.” The group meets 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall for a friendly, informal, and interactional experience to help grow your spiritual life.
Registration for First Pres’s Vacation Bible School, this year featuring “SCUBA, Diving Into Friendship With God,” continues. Families can complete the required and free registration for youngsters entering kindergarten through fifth grade, either online or at the church office.
The week of Godly music, art, games, spirit and friendly activities will begin at 9 a.m. and end at noon daily from July 22 to 26. Our trained teachers and helpers stand ready to welcome these young people!