Editor, The Beacon:
This letter is not about which party or what ideas you agree with.
This letter is about decency, respect, and making decisions based on facts, not manufactured BS. This is about the country returning to a time when worst-case lively debates/disagreements ended in “agree to disagree,” not death threats or fists.
Regardless of your party affiliation, why is it that conduct we would not accept from our children is “business as usual” in Congress and the Senate?
Why is it that we can’t get our officials to start acting in our best interest, instead of their need to hold onto an office. These folks get “pay for life,” and the best insurance our tax dollars can provide, and they are content to do nothing while we, the voting public, allow it. Why is that?
Whether you are for or against specific rights, can we at least agree that these issues need to go to the voters to decide, not a bunch of out-of-touch uninterested bureaucrats that believe they and only they can decide how we should live, as if we are idiot children unable to understand our options.
For those of us who worked all our lives contributing to Social Security, should we now have to worry every year because our officials refuse to take steps to make sure it’s funded forever, and take steps to ensure abusers are caught and prosecuted.
Regardless of your opinion on having children, is the goal just to have the child and not to ensure that child, no matter their circumstance, has nourishment and health care to give him or her the best possible opportunity to succeed and lead a productive life?
My blood boils when I hear that women should consider that their main job is to be a wife and mother. For those women who decide this is their success, more power to them, but it needs to be an individual’s decision.
I could name countless women who have and are contributing to a better world by going out into the workforce. That, too, should be their decision.
My mom and dad contributed equally, not only raising seven kids, but with the household finances as well.
Finally, these are great words to live by: In a world where you can be anything, be kind!
Anna Lanza