How did we get here?

How did we get here?

Editor, The Beacon:

I’m upset! At every turn on this road called life, there is a human

who is programmed to add words like “hate” and “trash” to everyday conversations.

Thus, we have a state leader who boldly announced he’d take millions of dollars originally designated for public education to create a “militia” … a group duty-bound to keep us citizens “in line” and answerable only to him. Add Project 2025 to this ongoing nightmare, and my blood pressure goes up to the stroke stage!

Americans are, generally, by design uninformed and therefore indeed sick — with no one who is currently in charge either willing or able to save us or themselves from this broiling American (Floridian) hatefest. I’m afraid … very afraid.

Classic books will never be returned to library shelves; classroom teachers are already severely limited in what and how they may conduct their classes; adults with children will continue to operate households in which they will combine the hate messages with the use of firearms.

School Board membership has already proved to be futile. If one goes against the rules of the “head of state,” he/she is gone and, if public apathy continues … this head of state will continue to place members of the Satanic Temple in our classrooms as “teachers.”  May God help us!

Patricia Harper Bennett


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