Editor, The Beacon:
In response to G. Kiser’s letter (Christ and Woke Philosophy), I accept the author’s right to free speech. But, I respectfully ask why the author feels it necessary to tell me that I should love my neighbor as I love myself?
What the author implies with the inclusion of “Woke Philosophy” is that not only should we, as Christians, accept others as they are, we should adopt and accept the behavior included in the “Woke Philosophy.” That is where we have a serious disagreement.
For me, as a Christian, loving my neighbor does not mean that I accept and condone their behavior when it goes against the basic Christian standards of behavior.
In the second paragraph, the author makes a series of statements that are absent any substantiation or corroboration. How does the government control what we read, and a woman’s right to control her health decisions, and what we teach in school that bothers the author?
Provide an example so we can have a fruitful discussion. I would welcome an opportunity to discuss any of these on a point-by-logical-point basis.
It appears, in the third paragraph, that the author has no specific points to discuss re President-elect Trump’s stated policy positions or goals. The author does denigrate anyone who voted for Trump. I will submit that sort of rhetoric is not respectful and does not readily lead to a thoughtful and honest discussion.
For the record, I am a red-white-and-blue, flag-waving, Christian, conservative American patriot. I will be glad to participate in an honest respectful discussion of current political issues.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph Godsey