Spiritual Side: All invited to learn about Sufism with Jemila Feliska

Spiritual Side: All invited to learn about Sufism with Jemila Feliska
PHOTO COURTESY KATHY HERSH; BOOK GIVEAWAY — DeLand Quaker Lynn Peterson helps a child fill a bag with free books during a past book giveaway. The DeLand Quakers will be giving away more than 500 books Monday, Jan. 20, at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration in Earl Brown Park. The books will be about Black and other minority history written by Black and minority authors. This will be the fifth book giveaway organized by the DeLand Quakers, who became concerned that the study of Black and minority history and culture was being systematically eliminated from public schools due to the anti-woke law passed by the Florida Legislature in 2022.

Walking the path of Sufism; dancing for universal peace

All are invited to Unitarian Universalists of DeLand’s 10:30 a.m. service Sunday, Jan. 12, as Jemila Feliska takes us on a journey to explore Sufism. She will talk about the path of polishing our hearts, the widely read Sufi poet Rumi, whirling dervishes, the power of mantras and the dances of universal peace. With Mike Feliska’s guitar and vocals leading us, embrace this sacred wisdom from different world religions through music.

Jemila has been leading dances of universal peace for more than 20 years, when she was initiated on the Sufi path in 2001. Later, she trained to be a Sufi Cherag (minister).

Ruhaniat Sufi International is a universal Sufism, believing that there is merit in all religions. Mike, besides being a classic rock and blues guitarist, plays for the dances.

Also, from 2 to 4 p.m. Jan. 12, the UUs will host another Black History: Truth Seekers event presented by teacher Rowena Waters, who will reflect on teaching Black history. This event, once for youth and young adults, is now open to all ages.


‘Overcoming Temptation’

First Church DeLand began the new year with the series “Pre-Decide.” On Sunday, Jan. 12, Pastor Mark Bitner will speak about “Overcoming Temptation.”

Temptation is never a good thing. We aren’t tempted to do a good deed for someone or drive out of our way to help a friend. Rather, we are drawn by temptation to overeat, cheat, tell lies and spend too much money. Our humanness has an ample supply of weaknesses that can lead us down a wrong path or two.

God doesn’t tempt us, and God is never tempted. Satan tried to tempt Jesus, but Jesus never was led astray. It is our role to model ourselves after Jesus’ example when met with temptation.

Impact Wednesday returns at 5:30 p.m. Jan. 15, with spiritual lessons.

Save the dates: Financial Peace University takes place at 6:15 p.m. Wednesdays, March 26, through May 21. Learn how to manage your money in this nine-week class that teaches God’s ways of handling money.


Activities at 1st Christian Church

The Rev. Carlos Perez of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of DeLand welcomes all to begin 2025 on Sunday, Jan. 12, in worship at 10:45 a.m. gathered at the Table of the Lord for Communion. For those seeking a better understanding of the Psalms, come at 9:30 a.m. to the church library. With other adults, study Psalm 93, in which the first five verses give us confidence that God, the creator, is in control.

If you are seeking spiritual uplifting, come at 3 p.m. Mondays for prayer that will guide you throughout the week, while considering the needs of others.

On Friday, Jan. 10, the Disciple Women offer will offer bingo at 7 p.m. in the fellowship hall, with proceeds after prizes contributed to nonprofits in the DeLand community. Essie Miller and Jim Hopps are the bingo callers.


‘Strangers in Strange Lands’

The congregation of Mosaic Unitarian Universalist meets online at 11 a.m. every Sunday. The Jan. 12 service is titled “Strangers in Strange Lands.”

The Honorable Andrea C. Hawkins-Kamper will explore how home is often defined as the place where your stuff is and your people live. It’s a good definition, even if it is incomplete. Hawkins-Kamper will explore what home means, when location and identity are as fluid as our past and dreams of the future.

Judy Raymond will be the service leader. Everyone is welcome!


‘The Baptism of Our Lord’

At First Presbyterian Church of DeLand, on Sunday, Jan. 12, Associate Pastor Cassandra Riker will explore “The Baptism of Our Lord,” as recorded in Luke 3.

Luke tells readers that while John the Baptist leads the followers to baptism in the Jordan River, he declares, “I baptist you with water. … He (Jesus) will baptize you with the holy spirit and with fire.”

Pastor Riker will teach about the amazing spiritual renewal and bonding to the Holy Spirit that makes Christian baptism such an important event in our lives!

This next week, First Presbyterian DeLand members reach out to neighbors in DeLand and environs through several ministries.   

On Saturday, Jan. 11, First Pres offers God’s Bathhouse from 9 to 11 a.m. in the courtyard for people to have a private shower, fresh clothing items, refreshments and manna bags from friendly  volunteers. This fellowship makes a difference!

Every Sunday, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., Pastor Riker will host Kids Club in the Art Room for children in kindergarten through fifth grade, where attendees can have fun learning about Jesus.

Middle- and high-schoolers gather 5-6:30 p.m. Sundays with Elendea DeGaetano for camaraderie, spirit-filled fun, and devotions at the One-to-One House on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Join adults and guests for the January Pop-Up at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 14, for breakfast at Perkins on North Woodland Boulevard.

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