Volusia County expands conservation corridor by 1,335 acres

Volusia County expands conservation corridor by 1,335 acres
GRAPHIC COURTESY VOLUSIA COUNTY GROWTH AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT; SAVING THE FLORIDA WILDERNESS — The area depicted in red denotes the latest addition to Volusia County’s Conservation Corridor, most of which form a north-to-south spine in the sparely populated middle of the county. Volusia County has approximately 1,200 square miles, and an estimated 38 percent of the county now is classified as conservation land.

Gov. Ron DeSantis has approved the purchase of 1,335 acres of land in Volusia County for $18.5 million. The land, adjacent to the Deep Creek Preserve, will expand the preserve to nearly 9,400 acres, providing more space for residents and visitors to explore. This area is part of the Volusia Conservation Corridor, a vital region for protecting local wildlife and water resources.

The acquisition is funded through the Florida Forever program, which focuses on preserving important natural areas. This purchase is part of Volusia County’s ongoing conservation efforts, which include partnerships with the state and federal government. Since 2021, Volusia has secured more than 5,500 acres of land through the Volusia Forever program, with $7.2 million in local funds matched by $25.3 million from other partners.

In addition to the land purchase, Volusia County will receive $20 million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Conservation Partnership Program to help conserve farmland. These efforts are designed to protect the county’s floodplains and improve flood damage prevention. 

County Manager George Recktenwald praised the partnerships who made these purchases possible, saying they are key to protecting the region’s environment and reducing flooding.

The enlargement of the wildlife corridor and the preservation of environmentally sensitive lands comes as local officials direct more attention to flooding concerns throughout the county.

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