Trash and Treasure Sale
The Disciple Women from First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of DeLand are preparing for their annual Trash and Treasure Sale that will be open 7 a.m.-2 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Feb. 7 and 8. Lunch will be available for purchase from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Proceeds from the sale are used for youth-camp scholarships and support of nonprofits in the community.
Donations are accepted 1-4 p.m. Mondays. For other drop-off times, call 386-734-6078 and leave a message about when you would want to drop off donations.
Prayers are lifted up at 3 p.m. each Monday for healing and mercy to anyone in the community and, especially, for those suffering from fires in California. The prayer gathering is open to anyone from any denomination.
Friday, Jan. 24, bingo will be played beginning at 7 p.m., with the proceeds to support The Bridge. Disciples will collect money for the Week of Compassion at worship services to assist those in California suffering from the wildfires.
The adult Sunday-school class meets at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 26, in the church library. They are continuing their study of the Psalms with 145, “The Lord Is Righteous.”
‘Mary Oliver and Mindfulness’
The congregation of Mosaic Unitarian Universalist meets online at 11 a.m. every Sunday. The Jan. 26 service is titled “Mary Oliver and Mindfulness.”
Mary Oliver was an iconic lesbian poet, whose work focused primarily on the beauty of nature. This Sunday, Deanna Leary will speak about the Pulitzer Prize-winning poet’s life, work, and views on the profundity of time spent outside. Join in as Mosaic talks about the importance of remembering to look at the world around us as we walk through it. Everyone is welcome!
Music and the message
Unitarian Universalists of DeLand’s Music Coordinator Paul Garfinkel, at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 26, will introduce concepts about the connection of music and spirituality, and how music impacts the brains of listeners and music-makers.
He will further discuss his vision of music programming going forward at UU DeLand, both inside and outside of Sunday-morning services, and a bit about his own musical background and experience.
Paul has been involved with music performance for as long as he can remember, starting in his Lutheran church’s children’s choir and staying involved in various forms of music to the present. He has played guitar and saxophone for 60 years and is an award-winning songwriter and recording artist.
‘Drawing Closer to God’
On Sunday, Jan. 26, First Church DeLand will continue the series “Pre-Decide.” Pastor Mark Bitner will speak about “Drawing Closer to God.”
The Book of Acts talks about how the believers formed a community where they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, along with fellowship, prayer and the sharing of meals. This was a time of great awe and sharing of possessions and food. The group was joyful and generous with each other. They were close to God and happy.
How can we presently draw closer to God? Perhaps if we devotedly set aside time to spend with God, we would feel the presence of God with us?
During this time, we could read the Bible, journal our thoughts, pray for others and the world, and/or read from a devotional book. How about sitting in silence, waiting to hear the answer to a question?
Here’s a New Year’s resolution for you: “This year, I will endeavor to be closer to God.” “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10
Learn about the Walk to Emmaus
Come to learn the what, how, when and why every believer should take their own “Walk to Emmaus.” This informational meeting is at 6:15 p.m. Friday, Jan. 31, at First Church DeLand, Building 2, and is open to all Christian faiths.
Light refreshments will be served.
Each West Volusia church is strongly encouraged to send a representative to this meeting. The walks are planned for April and October of this year.
Call the First Church office at 386-734-5113 for more information, or to reserve space at the meeting.
Many in one
“The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts … they form one body. So it is with Christ.” Thus writes the Apostle Paul in his first letter to the Corinthian Church, who had demonstrated problems with unity and posed questions he strives to address. (1 Corinthians:12:12-13a)
At First Presbyterian Church of DeLand, Senior Pastor Michael Bodger will explore Paul’s concept of “Many in One.” He will seek to help listeners discern the gift received individually from the Holy Spirit and how to assume the proper role that gift should play in our church life. How does a person perceive that gift and then contribute to the body of Christ here in this time and place? What might that look like for you and me?
The last Sunday of the month is traditionally a combined service. At 10:30 a.m. this Sunday, Jan. 26, music will include the Chancel Choir and the Praise Band, along with open Holy Communion and a potluck lunch. The service will be livestreamed and recorded for those who cannot attend.
If you wish to contribute to the lunch (not required), bring a side dish or dessert to accompany the main fare from the church kitchen. Deliver your dish to the kitchen before worship begins.
God’s Bathhouse will be open 9-11 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 25. Volunteers will assist attendees with private showers, and give out available fresh clothing and footwear, towels, refreshments and manna bags. This outreach promises to give needy people an opportunity to interact and receive help in a friendly environment.
“BEE-ATTITUDES, Becoming Your Best Self” will serve as the theme of First Pres’s annual Women’s Retreat Friday-Sunday, April 4-6. The planning committee led by Associate Pastor Casey Riker is developing engaging plans for the weekend. The event will be at the San Pedro Center in Winter Park. Visit the church website or Facebook page and pick up a brochure at the church office or welcome areas for details.