Editor, The Beacon:
Trump’s response to the Israel-Hamas ceasefire is typically focused on him. The man is constitutionally incapable of separating his ego from any event or occasion no matter the circumstances.
“This EPIC ceasefire agreement could have only happened as a result of our Historic Victory in November, as it signaled to the entire World that my Administration would seek Peace and negotiate deals to ensure the safety of all Americans, and our Allies,” Trump wrote. “I am thrilled American and Israeli hostages will be returning home to be reunited with their families and loved ones.”
His insecurities and lack of vision beyond his own nose could have dire consequences for foreign policy during his administration. Being incapable of considering anything but how decisions affect him, Trump cannot see the big-picture consequences of his actions or words.
He is like a child, filtering everything that passes into his world
through a consideration of how it affects him personally.
This man is not a leader. He is a taker.
John David Bethel