Editor, The Beacon:
Sorry (not sorry), but it has already been sold.
You see, the sell-off began a few years ago when big “dark” money found its way into politics, and when congressional representatives went to Washington, received a yearly stipend for their service and came out later with a net worth in the millions.
How do you do that unless you are taking money from special-interest groups?
Moving forward to the political scene today, where the oligarchs donate $156 million to a presidential campaign and another $10 million to an inauguration is just influence-peddling.
And, let’s not stop there, we have a corrupt U.S. Supreme Court that allows a convicted felon, who violated his oath of office, to be sworn in again.
What can you expect from a court that lies about their gifts from influence-peddlers, or lie in their confirmation hearings and then overturn a 50-year ruling such as Roe v. Wade. Or, a court that says a president is above the law.
America has been sold. Am I pissed off? You are damn right, I am pissed off! So how do we-the-people buy back our democracy?
How do we create a social democracy that works for all Americans and not just the 1-percenters?
Social democracy is not socialism. Socialism is the means by which production and distribution are controlled by the government.
How do we create a democracy that:
- Creates a fair tax system that taxes individuals and corporations on their profits
- Provides a universal health care system
- Supports equal rights regardless of gender
- Supports equal rights for women without any government interference
- Addresses fact-checking
- Supports an education system that addresses critical thinking, teaches our history and makes postsecondary education available to everyone
- Creates affordable housing, and many others
We can reduce the deficit and pay for the benefits by taxing the large corporations and individuals and by getting money out of politics. The cost of living is generally established by six to 10 corporations and not by the president or the U.S. government.
We must go to the voting booth and cast our ballots. I invite 250 million of my fellow Americans to join me to create a social democracy that works for you and me.
It is not about politics or religion; it is not about being conservative or being liberal; it is not about being a Republican or a Democrat; it is not about gun rights or free speech.
We must put our opinions and differences aside and work for equality for all Americans. We must also keep up the fight to prevent and stop the injustices that are happening. All is not lost unless we give up the fight.
Ray Johnson
Well said!
Hypocrite. Delusional.
While attacking all things Trump, you ignore the Bidens’ unlawful (and FBI covered up) peddling influence and making millions from China and Ukraine. You ignore Pelosi’s insider trading that made her a multimillionaire, you ignore the many other Democrats who did the same thing, and you ignore the plethora of celebrities, billionaires, millionaires, and companies that also donated to the Bidens campaign and last inauguration. Foolish.
Equally foolish is your list. It looks like another attempt at a socialist America where big brother provides all. No thank you! We don’t need censoring free speech, redistributing wealth, or any of the other tripe you’re peddling. California is an example of all those and it’s a failed state.
No Americans reject this “sounds good in theory”. but is horrible in practice thinking. Socialism has never worked.
Thanks for your opinion though.