Editor, The Beacon:
Did you know that the Daytona Beach City Commission just voted to buy ZeroEyes services, a commercial AI and video firearm-detection service, to monitor the Seabreeze Entertainment District? (www.zeroeyes.com)
Does anyone on that commission remember what the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says? Obviously, these “leaders” don’t.
How will it violate citizens’ rights? ZeroEyes searches every person it sees to detect a firearm. Yes, Big Brother with its ever-watching eye.
Whether a police officer puts their hands in your pockets or a machine scans you on a public street, it’s still a search. To search, the government must have a warrant, probable cause, exigent circumstances, or consent. That’s the settled case law.
While walking on a public street in a lawful manner, I do not consent to being searched. Do you?
The Fourth Amendment is clear. Any search of a citizen by a government official without a warrant, probable cause, exigent circumstances, or their consent is a violation of federal law and their civil rights. I suspect the results of this surveillance will probably result in a federal lawsuit against Daytona Beach.
This is just outrageous and Orwellian.
Bob Hoelscher
Interesting, but way off. It only looks for exposed firearms. Don’t you think someone with a gun drawn in the Seabreeze Entertainment District warrants some sort of response??
you are right, I rarely carry my Glock but I would if I was on sea breeze .
Bob is right but he doesn’t take it far enough. The police always use the excuse of searching for weapons when in fact they are hoping to find drugs or anything else to incriminate the citizens