Save the date
The Disciple Women of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of DeLand continue to prepare for the 30th annual Trash and Treasure Sale 7 a.m.-2 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Feb. 7 and 8. Items for sale include furniture outside and inside the fellowship hall; clothing in the conference room; artwork down the hallway; children’s things outside; and collectibles, linens and household goods in the fellowship hall.
The annual sale includes baked goods and a kitchen open 11 a.m.-1 p.m., where hamburgers, hot dogs, soups and chili with drinks are served.
All the proceeds from the sale support various nonprofits in DeLand, plus provide summer-camp scholarships. Disciple Women are appreciative of all the community members who make donations and assist with the sale.
Above all, love
Associate Pastor Casey Riker of First Presbyterian Church of DeLand will deliver the sermon “Above all, Love,” which will address God’s love for all of us. She will discuss how there is nothing we can do to escape the love of Christ.
Jesus was sent to be an example to show love. Riker will show how, as Christians, we sometimes have a reputation of judging others; so let us change that narrative and get a reputation for being loving instead.
On Friday, Feb. 7, bingo for all ages takes place 7-8:30 p.m. Come enjoy this fun event with prizes, surprises, and a Valentine’s Day theme.
On Saturday, Feb. 15 at 9 a.m., church members will host a free Drive-Thru Food Distribution. All food is distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, and all are welcome.
‘We Won’t Back Down’
The members of Mosaic Unitarian Universalist meet online at 11 a.m. every Sunday. The Feb. 2 service is titled “We Won’t Back Down.”
More than 500 years ago, Martin Luther had a handful of things he wanted to discuss with the powers that be. Join the Rev. Dr. Tracie Barrett to find out how little sparks and fuel brought about the Reformation and how it can apply to us today.
Jane Bradford will be the service leader. Everyone is welcome!
‘Stop Holding Back’
Pastor Mark Bitner of First Church DeLand will deliver the sermon “Stop Holding Back” Sunday, Feb. 2.
In recent weeks, we have seen on the news how a wildfire can destroy homes and possessions. Many stars have donated time and money to help those who have lost everything. Some are very wealthy and have chosen to share their wealth rather than hoard it. We applaud their generosity. According to the Bible, they are responding as they should.
Opening our hearts and giving makes us feel good. Helping one who is suffering can physically be felt in our chest. Let’s open our hearts to those in need, whether they are in California or walking down Woodland Boulevard. They are all God’s children.
First Church DeLand is popping with activities for the congregation! The Selah Women’s Bible Study has begun, and a recent free birthday party for the congregation — with a Chinese auction — raised funds for an upcoming Community Baby Shower.
Why Black history?
The congregation of Unitarian Universalists of DeLand meets at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday. On Feb. 2, Rowena Waters will, with courage and grace, share her insights from her own story, her study of pivotal moments in Black history, and her intention in creating healthy narratives for moving our worldview of antiracist work in America in a positive direction, not only for ourselves, but most importantly, for our children.
Raised overseas, including Africa, and of Palestinian and American heritages, Waters brings a unique voice to the challenging — yet vital — conversation of our nation’s Black history. Her research into systemic racism in the U.S. has spurred her to teach classes for children on Black history at UU DeLand. There she facilitates brave conversations with people of differing perspectives and stories. Her voice is unique and compelling.
Unitarian Universalists are an inclusive, freethinking, faith community, where all are welcome, as everyone learns and searches together for truth.