The film’s plot revolves around a newly engaged and admittedly naive couple (Brad and Janet) who get stranded on the side of the road during a stormy night and seek refuge in the nearby castle of a strange (yet alluring) Dr. Frank-N-Furter. From there the story becomes increasingly more ridiculous, raunchy, and fun. The evening will consist of a pre-show featuring DeLand Pride and the Absent Friends (with emcee Robert Baldwin), the ever-popular 1975 film, live shadow cast (costumed actors portraying the movie while it is being screened above), dancing, and audience participation (with callbacks and prop bags). For adults age 18 and older. Tickets: $20 general seating first come, first served; $8 audience participation prop bags. (Purchase the prop bags in advance, and bring your receipt.) A $4-per-ticket processing charge will be added to each purchase. Call 386-736-1500, or visit