Insight Credit Union ready to open in DeLand

Insight Credit Union ready to open in DeLand

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About six months after construction started, Insight Credit Union had planned to open its DeLand branch next week. However, that opening has been delayed because of the coronavirus, said Marketing Director Melissa Boyink.

“The decision has been made not to open the DeLand location on Monday, March 23, 2020,” Boyink wrote in an email March 17. “A new open date has not been identified at this time.”

Given the delay in opening, she said in an earlier email, there’s no telling when a more formal grand opening might be held.

“Given the current health and safety concerns, we are keeping future grand opening activities/celebrations fluid as the situation evolves,” Boyink wrote.

Whenever the branch opens, it will be weekdays only: 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday-Thursday, and 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Friday.

But Boyink wouldn’t say much about the staffing there.

“For safety and security reasons, we would prefer not to publish the name of the branch manager or the number of employees,” she said.

The new branch is at 340 N. Woodland Blvd., on the southwest corner of the boulevard and West Michigan Avenue, just south of the Stetson University president’s mansion and across from the school’s Elizabeth Hall.

For decades, the just less than 10,000-square-foot site — less than a quarter-acre — was the home of a gas station, which closed several years ago. Stetson University bought the property in 2016, performed a minimal amount of cleanup, and then sold the lot to Insight in 2018.

Insight gutted the dilapidated building and incorporated its exterior walls into the new office.

When the branch does open, it will inherit the mantle of being Insight’s sole branch in Volusia County. The credit union closed its Deltona branch last month, according to a notice on its website:

“At Insight Credit Union we do our best to make decisions that will provide you with the most up-to-date products and services while keeping your money safe and secure.

“Our goal is to make wise decisions today, so your credit union can expand and continue to serve your financial needs for many years to come.

“Therefore, we have made the difficult decision to close our Deltona Office, located at 1235-A Providence Blvd. on Friday, February 21, 2020.”

The notice goes on to direct customers to Insight’s Lake Mary branch, but that will undoubtedly be updated once the office in DeLand opens.

Headquartered in Winter Springs, Insight Credit Union has 13 branches — 14, once the DeLand branch opens — and more than 190 employees. It serves some 55,000 members in Orange, Seminole, Osceola, Lake, Sumter, Citrus and Marion counties, with Volusia soon back in the mix.

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