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Editor, The Beacon:

I needed only 32 years to get my four-year college degree. One instructor was a retired U.S. senator. 

When asked, he shared why few businessmen go into government: Government is about “doing right things,” while business is about “doing things right.”

A businessman follows a plan that describes the right things to do. By following the plan, and doing those things right, the business succeeds.

Our government’s founding documents and morality tell us the right things to do, the plan. 

Our government succeeds by doing them right.

When a businessman follows his self-interest, even doing his self-interest-things right, his business has problems and gradually fails. 

Government is done by politicians, not statesmen. Politicians always do self-interest. And by thus not “doing things right,” their government deviates from its “doing right things.”

By training, I recognize much of Mr. Trump’s apparent vulgarity as a technique taught and used in competitive sales, and in other contests, to imbalance or distract or confuse the opposition. 

And I consider neither vulgarity nor vigor disqualifies from presidency.

I remember every president from Truman to today. If vulgarity disqualifies, then Bill Clinton could not have held the office. Nor does lying disqualify —- see previous example. 

A businessman has to “do things right” — keep his promises — and Trump has done so.

Some have been blocked by the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives, some have been kept in reduced form, and some have been kept in full. 

That is the very best promise-keeping I have seen in government in eight decades.

I definitely will be voting for Trump — and Republican. 

I want him to have a more cooperative House of Representatives.

Richard Anthony



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