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First Christian Church of Christ, Scientist, DeLand, is offering a Thanksgiving Day service to the community at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 26, at their Downtown DeLand site at 111 E. New York Ave.
Attendees will sing hymns, and hear readings from the King James Bible and the Christian Science textbook Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, and the Presidential Proclamation for Thanksgiving.
1st United Methodist Church activities
Pastor Owen Stricklin of First United Methodist Church of DeLand greets members and friends with this message: “What a challenging year this one has been! Our congregational family has been apart for these many months, yet God has provided. He has given each of us strength for this journey, and He has never left us! We have much for which to praise Him. In the book of Nahum 1:7 we read, ‘The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.’ God truly cares for each of us.”
On Sunday, Nov. 22, the pastor continues the sermon series “I’m In.” The focus is “Invested,” and is based on Malachi 3:6-12. Malachi was sent by God to be a prophet to the Israelite community at a time when they were at a spiritual low. Malachi was to tell them that God said, “I am the Lord, and I do not change.” The people were told to repent and not to cheat Him and He would pour out blessings upon them.
Those who wish to see a “live” Sunday-morning service may now view it on the internet. The in-person 9:30 a.m. contemporary service in the Life Enrichment Center and the 11 a.m. traditional service in the sanctuary are being livestreamed. They can be seen online on the church website at Firstchurchdeland.org. Once there, click on sermon/media during the time of the service. Services may also be viewed anytime after the hours they are premiered. The early service will be drive-in at 8 a.m. in the parking lot of Building 6. All protocols for in-person worship will be followed; masks are required, and there are temperature checks and social distancing. Hand sanitizers will also be used.
The Gift Card Program, under the sponsorship of the United Methodist Men, will resume this month. This is an opportunity to purchase gift cards to many businesses and restaurants, which will, in return, refund the church a small percentage of the cost of the gift card. Contact Robert Lawson through the church office to volunteer to sell the gift cards on Sunday mornings.
Red poinsettias may be ordered now to be placed on the church altar in honor or memory of a loved one. They will be placed in the sanctuary and in the LEC on the Sunday before Christmas. After the Christmas Eve service, those who purchased the poinsettias will be able to take them home. The cost is $5 each.
The Foundations of Faith Sunday-school class will begin a new study, via Zoom, at 6:30 p.m. Thursdays. It will be a video study, “Talking Points: A Perfect Blend of Politics and Religion,” by Andy Stanley. This video was made after the 2016 election. It does not take sides, but gives good guidance for Christians to withstand this crazy world of politics.
The church office is open 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday-Friday. Call 386-734-5113.
‘Agree to Disagree’
Mosaic Unitarian Universalist Congregation, while not meeting face to face, is meeting online every Sunday morning at 11. On Sunday, Nov. 22, the service is titled “Agree to Disagree.”
We are in a contentious time. How do we navigate those conversations with people who are entrenched in their own beliefs? How do we continue to fight for truth and justice and love, and be able to stay in relation with family and friends who think differently from us?
The Rev. Tracie Barrett tackles this timely topic. Worship leader Jan Holloway will guide the congregation through the service.
For instructions on how to join the virtual service, send an email to mosaicuuc@gmail.com.
‘Gratitude Changes Everything’
First Unitarian Universalist Church of West Volusia in DeLand is continuing to host virtual services at 10:30 a.m. Sundays. Those wishing to attend are encouraged to join over Zoom from 10:15 to 10:25 a.m. for greetings before the service begins.
On Sunday, Nov. 22, church members present Meister Eckhart, a late 13th-century Dominican friar who once said, “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”
What are you grateful for today? What brings you joy and sustains you today? How do you show your appreciation to others, to yourself?
This interactive service will be a time of sharing our personal joys, whatever they may be — the gratitude for what we have, who we are and the gifts that each of us are given.
Unitarians are an open-minded, open-hearted spiritual community where all are welcomed to learn together.
Regular group meetings continue on Zoom: The Book and Poetry clubs each meet monthly, the Covenant Group meets every two weeks, and the Men’s Group meets weekly. The church can be contacted through www.uudeland.org to learn more.
The Zoom ID for Sunday services will be the same every week: Zoom ID: 927 1881 9188. Happy Thanksgiving!
How to Achieve Consensus to Get Things Done
A public Zoom discussion on finding paths to agreement through consultation will be hosted by the Bahá’ís of DeLand at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 29.
Solving problems, making joint decisions and even passing laws often fail because we tend to argue over the steps and resources that are needed.
Consultation is a deliberate process of steps to guide participants to unite behind common goals.
It can be more productive to begin with agreement on what solution to a given problem will satisfy most people. The discussion then can focus on choosing the steps and resources with the best potential for helping to achieve the agreed goal.
“We call this approach consultation,” said local Bahá’í Tom Armistead. “It can be applied to issues as humble as family decisions or as weighty as international relations.”
The public is invited to join the Zoom meeting at https://zoom.us/j/8784245248. The waiting room will open at 7:20 p.m. The discussion will begin at about 7:30 p.m.
‘Make God Happy … Give Thanks’
The Rev. Elizabeth Carrasquillo’s sermon at 10:45 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 22, at First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of DeLand is “Make God Happy … Give Thanks,” based on John 6:1-13.
Music Director Julie Rechner will provide special music; the elders and the Rev. Carrasquillo will deliver Communion in individual Communion sets to all believers in Jesus Christ.
The Thanksgiving offering to support Disciple colleges, universities and theological institutions will be received during Communion.
Activities during the week include Open Prayer at 3:30 p.m. for those wishing prayer or wanting to attend in the sanctuary; and Homework Hotspot, which is free tutoring by Dr. Janet Raney from 4 to 5:30 p.m.
Weekly worship services can be watched live on the church’s Facebook page, First Christian Church – DeLand Disciples, and later by clicking on the “video” tab or looking on the news feed.
Christ the King Sunday at First Pres DeLand
At First Presbyterian Church of DeLand, Pastor Michael Bodger will lead a celebration of the kingship of Jesus Christ on “Christ the King Sunday.” First Pres invites members and visitors to attend services on campus at 9 a.m. (contemporary in fellowship hall) and at 11 a.m. (traditional in the sanctuary), with both services available online at www.fpcdeland.org or the church’s Facebook page.
First Pres celebrates the Lord’s Supper at all services and invites those online worshippers to follow with their own elements.
Through the sermon “Who’s King?” Pastor Bodger will proclaim Christ is at the center of all things, including our lives, and as the Alpha and Omega, reigning supreme in peace.
Found only in the Gospel of Matthew, 25:31-46, this scene foretelling the last judgment extends a call on loyal believers to live rightfully, using our gifts from God and practicing his teachings. Thus, we can live in anticipation and not in fear of the last judgment.
An important event in the life of the church will occur at 10 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 21, in the sanctuary. A called congregational meeting will elect a nominating committee for the 2020-21 session, as well as act on other session motions.
In order to achieve a quorum for official business, please call to inform the church office at 386-734-6212 of a wish to attend. As always on campus, First Pres will observe the posted COVID protocols to keep all staff and attendees safe, with temperature checks, masks, distancing and cleansing.
As the church closes November with its activities, we continue “30 Days Thankful” and celebrate the success of Operation Christmas Child.
Advent begins soon and, with it, consideration of prayerful preparation through the Advent devotional Blue Christmas Service Dec. 9, offering comfort and hope to people needful at holiday time.
As a church, we remember to keep in touch with people who are alone, ill or misunderstood. Other opportunities to help include circles, Family Renew, Interfaith Kitchen and The Bridge Kitchen ministries.
Begun Nov. 16, the Advent Creative Contemplative Study offers expression in art and scripture through projects twice a week. Call Cathy Campbell.
Notice of First Pres’s regular church activities, such as Bible studies, children’s worship opportunities, upcoming special services, and recent events, regularly appears online at www.fpcdeland.org and the church’s Facebook page.
The church office now is open 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday-Friday, and observes clearly posted COVID protocol that includes calling ahead and ringing in for admission. On Thursday and Friday, Nov. 26 and 27, the office will close for Thanksgiving.