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Editor, The Beacon:

I can’t let this go. The “Give credit where due” letter is off the charts ridiculous.

“There were good people on both sides” stupidity revealed by former President Trump equates to the degree of ignorance related by the writer. 

Their premise was that somehow Trump won the election.

Look, I know there are people who like Trump no matter what, but it’s time to wake up to reality.

Those at this rally killed people. They were part of a falsehood.

No credit is due to anyone at the Capitol on Jan. 6.

Read his lips, he incited this mob to be come destructive and threaten Congress while they violently attacked the Capitol Police. They turned on their own vice president, willing to hang him.

It really takes a supreme effort to unite this country while there are people willing to write this kind of nonsense.

Good luck, Joe Biden. What a contrast in leadership.

Martin Harper

Orange City


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